that guys will sleep with anything.”
    Brad thought about the mornings when he would wake up next to a powered-down Tricia and wipe her memory. A wave of sadness overtook him. “I feel sick,” he said before thinking better of it.
    “Oh, no, did the food upset your stomach?”
    “No, the food was great. You’re a brilliant cook. It’s just that movie was a little disturbing y’know? It really made me think, and it speaks to how messed up we humans are.”
    “You’re such a nerd, Brad. Only you would find the intelligent, big picture in that weird thriller.”
    She got up and collected his plate and he used her bathroom to wash his hands and face. There he was in the home of a beautiful pharmacist but despite his new confidence and her friendliness, he didn’t know whether to kiss her, or take things slowly out of fear of her running away. Splice had put Tricia on his mind and he felt cruel for creating her only to discard her whenever he got into situations with other women. It was out of rage and hurt that he’d developed her into a beautiful woman, and he’d had ulterior motives he would have acted on if the pills hadn’t changed his luck with real women.
    Tricia was in a closet that would be her home for a time until he worked up the urge to tell Priscilla. How would he break it to her? He stood at the sink for a long time, thinking things through until she popped her head in the doorway.
    “That movie really got to you, didn’t it? Can I get you something? I have ice cream and we can watch something else. Just let me know.”
    “I’m okay, really. Thanks for a great time. We should do this again—“
    “How about Friday? Do you work on Friday?”
    “No,” he lied, and thought of what his excuse would be to call in sick that day.
    Priscilla was sexy, and he had never dated a girl like her before, so he looked forward to seeing her again. They had the same sense of humor, liked the same movies, and she teased him constantly which made it easier for him to be himself around her. She was almost too good to be true.
    When he got home, he found Tricia out of the closet and seated on the couch, watching television. She seemed confused and looked at him as if he were a stranger. How did she get out?   She watched him as he entered, but said nothing to him as he looked over some discarded dishes in the sink.
    “I went out with a beautiful girl today, Trish. She cooked for me and we watched a movie.”
    “Should I be congratulating you?” she replied sarcastically, and then got up to stand in front of the mirror to do her hair.
    “I’m sorry for lying to you about the closet. I panic sometimes when I think of how people will judge you, and call you names—“
    “Are you worried that they’ll do that to me or to you?”
    “You’ve changed, but I don’t think that you understand the change. As your android I have watched you transform from a bashful, kind individual, to a dark, cocky version of yourself.”
    “You need to say nicer things to me unless you want to spend more time in the closet.”
    “Don’t bother,” she said and then walked back into the dark closet and shut the door.
    She powered herself down and went to sleep and he stood watching her, feeling powerless and stupid for his empty threat. When she awoke, she was back in the bed next to Brad’s sleeping body. How did I get here? She wondered, why is this becoming a recurring thing ? When she had asked Brad about it a few weeks ago, he had said that he wasn’t laying her in the bed with him. If she was the one voluntarily doing it, she would have it in her memory—yet she didn’t. Brad muttered the name “Priscilla” and rolled over to embrace Tricia’s body tightly and this further confused her. She couldn’t stay upset with him, but she wondered about his erratic behavior and the memory lapses that had been occurring.
    She decided that she would do something about it, as she suspected that Brad’s change

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