Backstage Pass: All Access

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Book: Backstage Pass: All Access by Elizabeth Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Nelson
tugged at one corner of my mouth and I bent down to kiss his shin.
    Breath hissed between his teeth. “Sasha, you’re going to kill me.”
    “Maybe.” I kiss ed his kneecap, the inside curve of his thigh. I’d felt these muscles as he took me beyond the atmosphere, but I’d never gotten to explore them like this. He was trembling like hypothermia had invaded his body and I was loving every single second of this.
    I kn elt between his thighs and gently stroked his balls. I rolled them between my fingers until he arched off the bed. My name ripped from his throat and a surge of power soared through me until I could absolutely take flight. I leaned forward and tasted the tip of his cock, then opened wider. My other hand gripped the shaft and together I worked them up and down over and over until he was writhing beneath me. Deeper, I let him invade my space. I swallowed and my jaw popped. He was so huge and this was the most amazing and powerful thing I’d ever done. I felt like I completely ruled his entire universe.
    He bucked beneath me and begged me for release, pleaded with me to untie him so he could fuck me. I didn’t give in. I liked him like this; helpless and at my mercy. I took him deeper and deeper until he finally let go at the back of my throat. I swallowed and swallowed until he was quivering and panting.
    I kiss ed the inside of his thigh, his belly, and tasted each section of his ripped abs. When I was straddling that glorious cock, I paused and bit my lip. I had no idea if he could keep up with me now that he had just had an orgasm. He was still panting and his eyes were riveted on my breasts. They skimmed downward and he rocked his hips forward. “Take me home, Sasha.”
    I ease d myself downward and as he slid inside I could barely breathe. My head fell back and I gripped his waist. He filled me until I thought I was going to explode and then his hips began to move and my breath caught in my throat. We found our rhythm and I rode him so fast that our sweaty bodies were moving together in a practiced symphony. Then his hands came loose and he flipped us over and tugged my leg up high and settled it on his shoulder. He drove us into oblivion and my entire world threatened to shatter. He looked amazing, so powerful and strong.
    One arm lifted and he gripped the headboard. Every single muscle in his arm bunched and strained. The tie dangled loosely from his wrist and it thrilled me to know that he could have gotten out of my weak knot at any time but he let me be in charge tonight.
    He thrust against me again and our skin slid together and my world imploded. I screamed his name as he moved inside me. Then he squeezed his eyes shut and his entire body convulsed and he moaned my name.
    He gently lowered my leg and kissed my eyes, my forehead, my cheeks. “I love you so much, Sasha.”
    I could only stare up at him as I fumbled for the words. He curled up beside me and tugged the bedspread over us. A gentle kiss at my temple as I cozied up next to him. “Sasha, I’ve loved you from the very beginning.” I turned my head and kissed him back.
    “Thanks for letting me figure it out first.”
    He smiled and nuzzled my cheek with his. “Every time.”
    The morning was every bit as sweet as the night and I woke in Jesse’s arms. He made love to me again and then we ordered room service. I didn’t want the day to end, but as we rounded the corner to noon, he sighed. “Babe, I didn’t want to go, but I’ve got to be on a bus in three hours.”
    “I thought we had a couple days?” I didn’t want to pout, but I totally sounded like a whiney baby.
    He tosse d his phone on the bedside table and raked a hand through his hair and down his face. “I thought so too, but Ainsley just texted and said they’ve added a new stop which moved the tour up.” He tugged on a lock of my hair. “You okay with this?”
    I smile d brightly even though my insides were a trembling mass of goo. Hell no I was not okay

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