The Earl's Outrageous Lover

Read Online The Earl's Outrageous Lover by Elizabeth Lennox - Free Book Online

Book: The Earl's Outrageous Lover by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
instructions for Tim and various other information about cost and hours along with whatever additional information she suspected he might need.
    At seven-thirty, Edward walked down the stairs, took his cup of coffee from his butler and walked out to his car.
    “To the office, my lord?”  Tim asked, looking at a piece of paper in his hands.  His mind was obviously confused by the instructions he’d received from Edward’s executive assistant earlier in the morning.
    Grimly, Edward shook his head.  “Alice has probably sent you the address of a shooting range.  We’ll go to the office for my eight o’clock meeting, then I’ll need you to be ready to head over to the shooting range at nine o’clock.  I don’t know what time Ms. Mallory will be there, but I need to arrive before her and inspect the weapons to ensure that she is safe and not about to kill herself with some ridiculous idea about learning how to shoot a pistol.”
    Tim nodded his head, looked back down at the piece of paper, then hurriedly closed Edward’s door.  He was completely confused, but more than willing to follow orders.  He’d worked for Lord Locton for twelve years and never had the man deviated from his schedule except when he took vacations in his Caribbean or Greek homes.  And those changes to the man’s schedule were even on a schedule; the Caribbean in the springtime and the Greek house in the fall.
    Walking around to the driver’s seat, Tim went through all the times the man’s schedule had changed and could count those instances on one hand with fingers left over.  With a smile, he started the car and pulled out from the driveway.  This Ms.  Jessica was going to be good for Lord Locton, but he suspected there would be fireworks before it was all said and done.
    Jessica bit her lower lip, looking up at the sign above the building.  It was just a shooting range, she reminded herself.
    And this feeling of nervousness, it made her feel alive!  She had no idea what was inside that building.  It looked benign, but anything could happen.  She played this game when she was nervous about something new.  She would imagine the worst possible thing, then scoffed at where her ridiculous scenarios would take her.  For instance, the worst possible action from her walking into the shooting range was for someone to turn around and shoot her for entering.  Since this was a business, and the owners wanted people to come inside and learn to shoot, to use their range in order to increase their skills, she doubted that anyone would shoot a newcomer to their business.
    Having gone through that ridiculous scenario, she reached for the handle of her car door, then just about jumped a foot from her seat when someone knocked on her window.
    She looked out and saw Edward, surprised and excited despite her admonitions to forget about him after this morning’s call.  He’d sounded grumpy on the phone and he looked even grouchier now.  Looking at him, though, had her mind spinning out of control with crazy ideas about beds and kissing and all sorts of silly things that never should be considered.  How could a girl help it though?  The man looked like a well dressed Adonis with his expensive suit and Italian blue silk tie knotted precisely at his neck, not even a peek of his white shirt above the knot.
    When her lungs were burning, she gasped out, remembering to breathe as he waited for her to open her car door.
    “What are you doing here?”  she asked, grabbing her purse from the passenger seat and slinging it over her shoulder.  She’d dressed for the luncheon today in a red and blue patterned wrap dress with small red earrings and a small, red and blue beaded necklace at her throat.
    “I’m here to make sure you don’t get killed trying to learn to shoot a gun,” he griped and took her arm, pulling her into the building that housed the shooting range.  “You’re going to have to go home and change before we head to the luncheon

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