If You're Lucky

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Book: If You're Lucky by Yvonne Prinz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yvonne Prinz
streets of New York City, staying one step ahead of the law.
    He offered me the cup again and I shook my head. “Better not.”
    â€œHow long have you been on your meds?”
    â€œForever, seems like.” I stared out the windshield. “They make me feel like I’m not here,” I said, turning to face him. “Do you know that I haven’t even cried since Lucky died? Not one single tear.”
    â€œIt’s okay,” he said. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. He felt warm and strong and I didn’t want him to let me go. He pulled away first.
    Fin dropped me at home. I kissed him on the cheek and he said he would call me soon. I lay awake all night thinking about him: the way he looked at me, the way he smelled, the way he knew how I felt. When I finally fell asleep I dreamt of Lucky, but this dream was different from the others. In this dream something was pulling him down through the dark water, away from me. I tried to swim after him but I was pathetically slow. I woke up exhausted. All day at work I’d been replaying my night with Fin.
    I was about to go back to the kitchen to check on my tarts when I heard a car approaching from the other direction and turned my head out of small-town habit to see who was coming up the road. I recognized Fin’s red truck and my heart leapt. He turned into the lane just before the Inn. Jeff and Miles live on that lane. His window was rolled down and I could see that he was having an animated conversation with his passenger. He was so preoccupied that he didn’t even glance over at the Inn or the porch where I was sitting in plain view. Then I recognized the person in the passenger seat. It was Sonia. She was listening to something Fin was saying and though she was far away, I thought she looked upset. I wondered how they came to be driving down the road together. Had she climbed right in beside him just like I had? I pulled my cell phone out of my apron and dialed her cell number. Her voice came on the line:
Hi, you’ve reached Sonia. Leave a message and I’ll call you back.
    I clicked my phone off.

    I rode shotgun in Sonia’s mom’s car as we made our way along the winding Coast Highway to a café in Bodega. Sonia called earlier and asked me to come along with her. The band playing at the café were Lucky’s friends. I’d met them weeks ago at the party, though I hardly remembered. Sonia told me I’d like the music and that it was time we got out and did something. She was right. The open wound of Lucky’s death had started to heal around the edges and I was glad to get out. I also wanted to know what she was doing in Fin’s truck on Thursday. I wanted to know if he’d touched her like he’d touched me. And had he pulled away from her too or was she the reason I got taken home early? I looked over at Sonia as she navigated a curve in the road. Some of the color had come back into her face and she seemed almost excited to be going somewhere on a Saturday night. She’d even managed to throw together some clean clothes that showed off her figure; nothing special: a long-sleeved black sweater and jeans, but for weeks now she’d been wearing clothes that said
I don’t care.
I smelled perfume on her too. That was new. I never knew her to wear perfume. Maybe it was her mom’s. I desperately wanted to question her but I also wanted her to
to tell me what had happened. I mean, why wouldn’t she?
    â€œSo, I called you Thursday but you didn’t pick up. I saw you in Fin’s truck, though.”
    Sonia looked over at me. Her eyes narrowed a bit like she was trying to figure out what I already knew. “We drove down to Jenner.”
    â€œYeah? What did you do there?”
    She looked back at the road. “Not much, had a glass of wine. Then we went for a walk on Goat Rock Beach.”
    â€œGuy likes to walk on the beach a lot, doesn’t

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