2 A Christmas Wedding To Die For

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Book: 2 A Christmas Wedding To Die For by Pat Amsden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pat Amsden
Tags: Romance
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Grandma Ellie's tree, the scent of pine trees and snowflakes filling the air, she couldn't help thinking she was incredibly lucky. She'd been worried about Walt, wanting her mother to be happy, while afraid she'd be hurt.
    So far she liked everything about him. More importantly, it was clear her mother was smitten. In blue jeans and a casual sweater he looked relaxed and casual. So did her mother.
    "You grew up in Alberta," Grandma Ellie was asking.
    "I did. Spent thirty years ranching, now it's time for my son to take over."
    "I didn't think people still did that," her grandmother exclaimed.
    Walt just smiled a lazy smile. "I only had one boy. My wife died of cancer when he was young. He went to university for a couple of years ." Walt shrugged. "The only thing he really ever wanted to do was ranch."
    "So you just handed it over?"
    "I keep my hand in. And I still live on the ranch part-time. I spend a lot of the year in Calgary now." He smiled at Maxine's mom and squeezed her hand. "I wasn't sure I'd last in the city but I found things to keep me occupied."
    "And I spent a week at the ranch this fall. I loved every minute of it."
    Her mother had gone country? Maxine shook her head in surprise.
    Grandma Ellie wasn't done questioning him yet. "You seem a little young to have retired. What do you do to keep yourself busy?"
    He laughed, his laugh warm and friendly. "Oh don't worry about me. When I first decided to spend part of the year in the city I took some investing courses. I've invested over the years but only blue chip stocks. I didn't have the time to put in for anything riskier. Now that I do though, I'm having fun. I usually spend a few hours a day on that. I help out with some charities." He grinned. "I actually like to golf. And it gives me lots of time to spend with your daughter."
    "And he cooks!" Sheila seemed to find this an amazing feat. Then again Maxine could count on her hand the number of times she'd seen her mother in the kitchen voluntarily.
    He grinned. "I've always loved barbecuing. Now that I've got some free time I've taken a few cooking courses as well." He gave a nod in Maxine's direction. "Nothing on the scale of what you're doing of course. If you've got time I'd love to see your operation."
    "And you will. After Christmas – if that works for you?"
    "We were hoping to spend the whole of Christmas here," her mother said. "Until the New Year." She reached over putting her hand on Maxine's. "Don't worry, we won't get in your way."
    Guilt surged through Maxine. Her mother was worried about getting in her way? She gave her a wobbly smile, tears welling up in her eyes. "I have time for you Mom. I can show you both around after Christmas. There won't be a big Boxing Day sale because I've pretty well sold out of everything." She paused, "I do have a few cakes to make over the week and a big catering job for New Year's Eve."
    "Maybe we can help with that," Walt said warmly.
    "As long as I don't have to do any cooking," her mother said, holding her hands up in horror.
    Maxine laughed. "This is a holiday for you. I don't want to put you to work for me in my shop."
    "Remember if you need help, we're more than happy too. I know Mom was saying you needed help for New Year's."
    "If I get stuck I'll call," she said.
    "Your Grandma was telling us about the girl you're doing the party for," Walt said.
    "I'm amazed she still wants to have a party," her mother said sharply.
    "They're still getting married. They've decided to move it later in the year so there won't be any bad memories attached. The New Year's party is her way of celebrating life."
    "After all she nearly lost hers, it's natural she wants to celebrate," Grandma Ellie said.
    Maxine laughed. "You're not the only one who feels that way though," she said to her mom. "She's driving the police crazy."
    "You'd think she'd show a little more consideration," her mother said sharply.
    "Expecting them to cancel Christmas goes a bit far. From what Julianna said to

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