The Dream Walker
well—she had been a victim of a Colonist. And then there was The Platoon, a group of SR44 males who had been sent to carry on the SR44ian race. Unfortunately, their leader, Micah, was a few roses short of a full bouquet. They had also gunned down Talin in cold blood and almost killed Jovan and Cohen in the process. Even so, Blake thought that Noah was taking her safety just a little too far. He had, in essence, squashed Abby ’s freedom. She had become a prisoner in her own home.
    “ Well, that went well,” Blake said.
    Noah nodded. “Yeah, it went over like a case of herpes. But she has to understand it’s for her own good.”
    They stood in silence for a moment, then Noah walked out of the room. Blake watched him go, his steps slow, his head hanging down as if he were carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
    Maybe he was.

Chapter 12
    The next morning, Nico was up early. Late last night, Noah had sent him a text calling for a meeting at 8:00 a.m. Nico rolled out of bed at six, went down to the gym to spar with Hudson for an hour, then headed for the shower. As he studied his reflection in the mirror, he gingerly touched the red marks on his chest and arm. He was going to have a few good bruises from his sparring match—one thanks to Hudson ’s shoe, and the other from Hudson’s fist. Sparring with Hudson was always an education in the art of fighting, but frankly, Nico was getting tired of being schooled. He hoped the right hook he had landed on Hudson’s cheekbone did some damage.
    He pulled on a tank top and some sweat s, then ran his fingers through his wet hair. He took the elevator to the kitchen, where Hudson was brewing a pot of coffee and his son, Killian, was stacking soft-sided blocks on the floor.
    “ Hey, man,” Hudson said. “How’s the arm?”
    Nico looked at the red mark on his bicep. “It looks like it’s going to get ugly.”
    Hudson nodded. “Yeah, it does. I’m sorry about that.”
    “ No worries,” Nico said, reaching in the cupboard for a coffee cup. It was green and shaped like an alien head, complete with two big, black eyes. Nico appreciated the humor. “Anyone else up yet?”
    Hudson shook his head. “Haven’t seen anyone, which is odd since Noah is usually up by now and working in the War Room.”
    That was strange. But maybe the male was catching up on sleep he desperately needed.
    Nico watched Killian for a few moments as his coffee cooled. The kid stacked up the blocks, then took a spatula and knocked them down. He giggled as the blocks scattered, and Nico couldn’t help but smile, wondering if he would ever have children of his ow n. He didn’t see himself as a family guy, but who knew.
    He glanced over at Hudson, who was also watching Killian, and took a sip of coffee.
    “He’ll do this for the next hour,” Hudson said, smiling. “He loves to build stuff up and then annihilate it.”
    Nico chuckled. “You know he gets his ability and desire to destroy things from you, right?”
    Hudson laughed. “Yeah, I do. Beverly’s worried he’s too violent, and I keep telling her he’s just a daddy’s boy.”
    They watched Killian as he carefully built the blocks back up and talked to himself. Nico couldn ’t understand what he was saying, but whatever it was, it was important based on the serious look on his face.
    Nico took another sip of coffee. “Good stuff, Hudson. Thanks a lot.”
    “ Sure, man. Glad you enjoy it.”
    “ Watch, Daddy!” Killian yelled. “Watch, Nico!” He swung the spatula, and the blocks came tumbling down. Killian burst out giggling as if it was the funniest thing he had ever seen.
    “ Nice job, Killian,” Hudson said.
    “ We should start calling you the Destroyer,” Nico said to Killian.
    Hudson laughed. “Sounds good to me, but Bev would never go for it.”
    “ I’ll get a shirt made up,” Nico said with a wink.
    He headed down the hall to the War Room, thinking what it would be like to have a child. Would he make a

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