The Devil's Angel (Devil Series Book 2)

Read Online The Devil's Angel (Devil Series Book 2) by Rachel McClellan - Free Book Online

Book: The Devil's Angel (Devil Series Book 2) by Rachel McClellan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel McClellan
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behind him, cold damp hands gripped the underside of his jaw and pulled up as if attempting to rip off his head. Lucien grunted, flexing his jaw muscles tight, then stretched up and found the skull of the beast. Digging his fingers into its balding scalp, Lucien twisted hard until its neck bones made a series of pops. The creature fell limp, nearly collapsing on top of him.
    All of a sudden, Lucien’s legs were jerked forward by two diablos, each one gripping his ankle tightly. They were dragging him quickly toward the back of the room where there was nothing but darkness. Lucien clawed at the concrete ground, trying to stop their momentum, but when that didn’t work, he leaned up and slipped the other dagger from his boot.
    With lightning-quick movement, he sliced off one of the hands around his foot. It fell to Lucien’s side, the fingers writhing like a worm cut in half. With his right leg now free, he kicked at the arm at the other diablo, snapping it in two.
    Lucien jumped to his feet just as something hard smashed against his head, temporarily stunning him. With stars in his eyes, he turned around to face his attacker. A diablo held a two-by-four in both hands. He swung at Lucien’s head again.
    Lucien raised his arm and stopped the board inches from striking his face. With his other hand, he tightened his fist and smashed it against the monster. The diablo barely flinched. When that didn’t work, Lucien kicked him hard in the gut with more effective results. The diablo stumbled back and dropped the board.
    As Lucien reached for it, he noticed a glimmer of silver at the top—a bent over nail. In one swift movement, he straightened it, and then in an upswing, smashed the board into the side of the diablo’s head. The creature’s limp body crashed into the wall behind him, shattering several of the cinder blocks. The noise excited a primal instinct within Lucien, and he grinned wildly.
    Air poured into Lucien’s lungs, filling him with newfound energy. He sprinted around the room, using his bare hands to kill as many as he could. The feel of their bones breaking beneath Lucien’s fingers reminded him of his own evil tendencies. He was no different from them. Demons from hell.
    Diablos were retreating to the back of the room and into the darkness. Lucien pursued them carefully, especially when he realized the room was filling with an unnatural fog, forcing him to rely on his other senses.
    Not far off, metal scraping against metal echoed through the room. Lucien moved faster, ignoring the blinding smoke until he reached a closed metal door. He tried to open it, but it was locked from the other side.
    Beyond the door, diablos scurried away to some secret destination. Lucien punched and kicked at the door, letting out the last of his rage. The door sustained many dents, but never yielded.
    Lucien slumped to the ground in the darkness, exhausted, but at least he felt better. Eve had made him out to be something he wasn’t, made him begin to feel things he shouldn’t.
But this killing spree reminded him of what he was and what he deserved.
    After several minutes, Lucien finally left the diablos’ hole in the ground and returned to the hotel, no longer angry but frustrated. He must make Eve fear him. She knew what he was and was still unafraid. This knowledge made him nauseated, forcing him to lie down. Someone as beautiful and good as Eve should never be near the likes of him.
    As the hours passed, and he thought more of Eve, he wondered again if he’d met her before. That would explain how she knew him, and why she seemed so familiar. It wasn’t her appearance he recognized, but the way she spoke and the graceful movements of her hands. Even the way her lips turned up, one side slightly higher than the other, was familiar.
    And then suddenly he remembered.
    He had met her; at least, he thought he had. It was years ago in New York City, and the woman there had been a witch—a powerful and evil one. Lucien

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