The Destroyer

Read Online The Destroyer by Michael-Scott Earle - Free Book Online

Book: The Destroyer by Michael-Scott Earle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael-Scott Earle
Tags: adventure, Romance, Fantasy, Magic, Epic, Action, dragon, love, dark, quest
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had been pestering Paug about his language for the last two days and now understood basic conversation. It must have been her watch. Everyone else slept curled up in their light blankets.
    It stunk of hot and damp in this jungle. Dead plants and animals mixed with hungry earth and musky sudor. I could see small drops of sweat saunter down Paug's sleeping face next to me. The scent of their heated bodies mixed with the smoke of the fire and the jungle and almost stirred up another memory in my mind. Then it fled and I didn't have the energy to give chase through the silence of my subconscious.
    "Yes," I said, sitting up more. I was always thirsty or hungry, but the act brought bouts of queasiness. Eating also made me exhausted, so I would risk the possible nausea if it meant I might have a chance at deep sleep. The memory of the woman had left me filled with terror and sadness.
    Nadea glanced around the camp to make sure she wouldn't disturb the sleepers before she sneaked over to our food stores. She pulled out a tied bag of waxy paper, opened it, and handed me a large piece of salted, dried meat. Then she poured me water from a skin into a tin cup. I got out of my bedroll and moved to a rock closer to the fire and accepted them. She turned away after I gave her my thanks and studied the orange flames.
    I nibbled on the meat and stared into the fire. My brain became preoccupied remembering the Elven woman and the dreams of the floating islands. The fire almost matched the color of her hair. The flame made the night heat even more unbearable, but we would have been prey to the bugs and other menacing animals in the jungle without its protection.
    "Are you okay?" Nadea whispered from across the fire. She had a soft sheen of perspiration across her face, shoulders, and neck. It made her skin glow in the firelight. She wasn't wearing her usual leather travel pants and thick tunic because of the heat, just thin undergarments that almost didn't cover her slick form. She was mostly legs, her body toned by travel, riding, lifting, and exploring Ancient ruins. Her dark brown hair fell loose across one of her shoulders, leaving her neck bare on the other side.
    Paug had told me that she was part of some royal family and had chosen her odd profession, even though she could have done anything she wanted. He tried to explain to me what royalty was, but I still didn't understand the concept. The thought of someone else, let alone possibly unfit descendants, deciding what laws I should live by reminded me too much of the memory from which I had just awoken. I never wanted to feel that powerless again.
    Nadea was very beautiful, especially in the warm glow of the fire. Feelings of arousal surfaced deep within my stomach as I imagined my hands grasping the woman's hips and pulling her against me. My eyes drank her in and my fantasy began to sprint away. I wondered what her lips tasted like, how smooth her skin would be against my fingertips, and what sounds she would make when I brought her to orgasm.
    I looked at her and probably did a poor job of hiding my lust. Her face flushed and her breathing caught when our eyes met. Her mouth opened to say something again but no words came. I flashed back to the woman in my dream for a second. If I really had been asleep for as long as they all thought, I should make sure that all parts of my body worked correctly. My member pulsed in agreement against the inside of my pants.
    Was there proper etiquette to proposing that we go into the darkness of the jungle and please each other? I couldn't even remember acceptable courting behavior in my own memories, I only recalled the beautiful Elven woman terrorizing me. Then I laughed to myself. I didn't even know how to ask Nadea to be my lover anyway. The language difference was an especially large annoyance right now.
    "I feel good," I answered her with a smile. Or at least, I think that was what I said. She smiled back.
    "Are you tired?" she said with an

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