The Bisbee Massacre

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Book: The Bisbee Massacre by J. Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Roberts
    â€œSí, señor,” Manuel said. “Okay.”
    When Dodge came back out he had permission to remove Dowd from the district and take him back to the United States, and back to Tombstone.
    They mounted up and Dodge removed the handcuffs to cuff Dowd’s hands together.
    â€œIf you try to run,” he told the man, “I’ll kill you.”
    â€œI told you, Dodge,” Dowd said, “I’m ready to go back.”
    â€œGood,” Dodge said. “Manuel, take the lead.”
    â€œSí, señor.”
    They headed out.
    When they reached the trail split where they had parted company, they found Bill Daniels there, sitting on a rock, waiting. He had another man with him, who turned out to be Manuel’s brother. He looked relieved to see them coming his way. The two brothers embraced. When Manuel’s brother heard from Daniels that Manuel was still in the mountains, he insisted on coming along to find him.
    â€œBeen wonderin’ where you boys got to,” he said. “I see you got Dowd.”
    They dismounted, shook hands with the deputy.
    â€œHow’d you do?” Dodge asked.
    â€œWe followed the trail to Minas Prietas and arrested William Delaney there. We took ’im back to Tombstone, and when we got there we found three men in jail already—Tex Howard, Red Sample, and York Kelly.”
    â€œYou got us all, then,” Dowd said. He stood with his hands cuffed in front of him, his head bowed. “Along with John Heath.”
    â€œWhataya think?” Dodge asked Daniels.
    â€œYeah, we got ’em all. They’re fixin’ to try Heath first off.”
    â€œWe better get back, then, and let ’em know we got the last one,” Dodge said. “Sheriff Ward in town?”
    â€œHe is, and folks are sayin’ he’s got somethin’ planned.”
    â€œLike what?”
    Daniels shrugged.
    â€œSomethin’ that’ll get him reelected, for sure, they say.”
    â€œWard’s a snake,” Dodge said. “We better get back before somethin’ bad happens.”
    â€œSomethin’ bad happened when Ward got elected the first time,” Daniels pointed out.
    â€œManuel, you and your brother get Dowd up on his horse,” Dodge said.
    â€œSí, señor.”
    Dodge turned to Clint.
    â€œWhat do you think is going to happen?” Clint asked.
    â€œI don’t know,” Dodge said, “but I wouldn’t put nothin’ past Jerome Ward—nothin’ at all. We better get back quick.”

    On the way back to Tombstone, Daniels told them the story of how the others had been arrested. Apparently, a colleague of Fred Dodge’s in Wells Fargo, the famous lawman J. B. Hume—who Clint also knew—had been instrumental in letting Sheriff Jerome Ward know where the three men were holed up. Hume and a lawman named Tucker had taken in York Kelly, who had given up the names of the other two.
    â€œSo somebody else did all the work for Ward,” Dodge said, “and he’s come in and taken all the credit.”
    â€œPretty much.”
    Dodge looked at Clint.
    â€œThat’s just like the man.”
    Daniels also told Dodge that Charley Smith had come back to town, having recovered from his ailment. At least Dodge was happy about that.

    So when Dodge, Clint, and the others got back to Tombstone with Jack Dowd, that put all of the men responsible for the Bisbee Massacre—York, Howard, Sample, Heath, Delaney, and Dowd—in the Cochise County jailhouse, with Sheriff Ward strutting around with his chest all puffed out.
    Clint had decided to stay in town for the trials of all the men. During the trials he found out that the store they had robbed had acted as the Bisbee bank, so it hadn’t been hard for them to get hold of the money. They’d killed a lot of people doing it, though, so they were all found guilty and sentenced to hang.
    But John Heath

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