Neighbors (Entangled Flirts)
buried my face back into his chest, not wanting to think about tomorrow.
    “Rena, you’re killing me here.” His gently pushed me back so I had to face him.
    It took me a moment to find my voice, and then it only came out in a whimper. “What if…what if you get sent somewhere else? I don’t want to end up alone all the time.”
    What I thought was a low rumble of anger turned into a chuckle as he pulled me closer to him.
    “I’ve got a year left, Rena, then I’m out.” He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling, pulling me onto his chest. His brows furrowed as he tried to come up with the right words, a look I’d learned to distinguish from his eyebrow-furrowed anger. “There was a time when I thought I’d be career. When I lost my leg, I thought that was over.” He paused, closing his eyes for a moment before looking down at me. “It’s not. I can stay in the Corps, but… There’s something else I need to do now.”
    I sat up on my elbow with my hand still on his chest. “What?”
    “Rehab. So many people have helped me since I lost my leg. Without them, I might not be here. I might have… I want to show people that there’s life afterward, you know? That giving up really isn’t an option.” A slow smile spread across his face as he pulled me on top of him. “I’m so glad I didn’t give up.”
    The tension left my body as he brought my head to his. The selfish side of me danced with joy. It was what I’d hoped for, but nobody ever really gets everything. Doubt nagged at my heart until Maddie’s words echoed in my head, Honey, you haven’t even tried since Victor.
    This time, I was going to try, but a question nagged at me, one that I’d wanted an answer to for some time. “So, tell me, why didn’t you move the truck?”
    He let out a full belly laugh. Once he calmed down, he answered me with a huge grin on his face. “I could’ve, but you were so damn hot. I climbed out of the truck and you kept yelling at me even after you saw my leg. Most people start the pity party when they see it. You didn’t, and I wanted to keep you there, yelling at me, as long as possible.”
    I smacked his chest. “I was late for an appointment…”
    “I know. And I still would’ve done the same thing.” He kissed me and I had no doubt that he would have. “No regrets.”
    “No regrets,” I agreed. “But you’re going to have to meet my mother now.”

    So many people helped in making Rena and Riker’s story a reality. Thanks to the authors at Five Scribes for hosting the pitch contest that started this process. The opportunity was one I couldn’t pass on.
    Thanks to Kerri-Leigh Grady for plucking this story out of the pitch and giving me such wonderful advice to make it better. Also, Kerri, thanks for pairing me with the perfect editor, Kaleen Harding, who knew what I wanted to do and what I needed to do to make this better. Seriously, how lucky am I to have such a wonderful editor.
    Julia Weber, my superstar agent, deserves so many kudos. She works tirelessly for her authors, and I swear she doesn’t sleep. Julia, you’re the best.
    I can’t leave out the two most important people in my life, Bean and Dave. Without them, I wouldn’t be who I am. I really am lucky.
    A special thanks to the men and women who serve our country past and present. Our lives are free because of them. Saying “thank you” isn’t enough for all that they do.

About the Author
    L.S. Murphy lives in the Greater St. Louis area where she watches Cardinals baseball, reads every book she can find, and weaves tales for teens and adults. When not doing all of the above, she tends to The Bean (aka her daughter), her husband, and a menagerie of pets. She is the author of A Reason to Stay , a contemporary romance novella, and Reaper , a young adult paranormal romance novel.

Get your Flirt on with another sweet romance…
    On His List
    by Wendy Sparrow

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Chapter One
    All Remy had to

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