The Bare Bum Gang and the Valley of Doom

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Book: The Bare Bum Gang and the Valley of Doom by Anthony McGowan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony McGowan
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came The Moan, not
moaning, but shouting his head off like the
rest of them. And as they charged they let
loose a volley from their heavy artillery –
the water cannons, pumped up to maximum

    Dockery and his gang spun round at the
first scream of 'Charge'. The tremendous
spectacle of the attacking Bare Bum Gang
made them stagger back, their faces filled
with shock and awe.
    Then Dockery started to laugh. 'Oh, it's
only that bunch of wimps,' he said.
    'Yeah,' sneered Larkin, 'with their icklewickle
water pistols.'
    'Let's bash 'em,' growled Firbank.
    'And mash 'em,' added Stanton.
    'This is perfect,' said Dockery. 'Like lambs
to the slaughter. We can get the whole lot
of them together.'
    Then it hit them.
    Now, the Super Soaker Aqua-Shock
HydroBlitz packs a decent punch, but on
its own it wouldn't take out a big oaf like
Dockery. Not filled with water.
    But the water cannon and pistols weren't
filled with water, but Special Mixture
Number Eight. I'd realized the fatal flaw
in our first plan to attack the Dockery den.
The delivery system, meaning the balloons,
just wasn't reliable enough. But I'd fixed
that now.
    You could definitely smell the streams
of foulness before they hit you. It was as if
the smelliest tramp in the world had come
and sat next to you on the bus and then
rammed your nose into his armpit. No, it
was worse than that, because this was wet
and soaked you and there was no escaping
it. It was a tidal wave of stink.
    The Bare Bum Gang aimed well, zapping
every one of the Dockery mob. The
trouble was that Alfie and I were standing
right behind them, so we also got hit, but
not too badly. Even so, I nearly fainted
with the foulness of it, and Alfie fell onto
all fours and looked like he was going to
throw up.
    You can imagine how much worse it was
for the Dockery Gang. They got it right in
their faces, in their open mouths, in their
ears. It was carnage. All you could hear
were their screams and wails as they waved
their hands in front of their faces in a futile
attempt to fend off the deadly flood.
    But Dockery wasn't quite finished yet.
Bellowing like a bull, he pushed forward
against the blast, using nothing but his
brutish strength. Horrible though he was,
I had to admire the courage of my
opponent. It looked like he was going to
reach Noah, whose stream from his rifle
was now a dribble, before he had the chance
to switch to a pistol. That would have been
a disaster – if he reached Noah we'd have
to surrender to save him from getting a
terrible bashing.
    'Here!' yelled Jenny, and threw me her
spare weapon, a Max Infusion Flash Flood.
I caught it in one hand, did a forward
roll through the middle of the Dockery
formation, spun and took careful aim.
    The Flash Flood hasn't got the raw
power of the HydroBlitz, but it's way more
accurate. I'll let others claim it's a girl's
weapon – I prefer to describe it as a
precision instrument, designed for pinpoint,
scientific squirting. I fired a stream straight
up Dockery's nose and into his brain.
    That finished him. He stopped dead in
his tracks. His eyes went blank. Then he
collapsed backwards, squashing two of the

Chapter Twenty-one
    'Cease fire!' I commanded.
    The battle was won. Dockery and the
others dragged themselves away, gagging
and spluttering, wailing like babies who had
lost their dummies.
    The Bare Bum Gang all gathered round.
They were exhausted from the fight, and
they'd all suffered from the terrible stink
power of Special Mixture Number Eight.
There was something else in their faces as
well; something that held them back from
celebrating the victory.
    It was Jenny who spoke first.
    'We're really sorry,' she said meekly. 'We
should have believed you and not him.'
    She pointed to the side of the Great
Grey-Green Greasy Limpopo River where
Alfie was still cowering. I'd completely
forgotten about him.
    'Will you be our Gang Leader again, like
the Olden Days?'
    'Of course I will,' I said, and I couldn't
stop myself from grinning.

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