The Army Doctor's Christmas Baby

Read Online The Army Doctor's Christmas Baby by Helen Scott Taylor - Free Book Online

Book: The Army Doctor's Christmas Baby by Helen Scott Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Scott Taylor
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Medical, Military, Genre Fiction, Inspirational, Holidays
feel after a big operation. Over the years, she had worked with
many surgeons. Often they needed alone time to recover after a long and
difficult procedure.
    "Hello. You're just in time to say goodnight to your
two little angels," Kelly said.
    He glanced up, a smile on his face. "Wonderful. I hoped
I'd make it home before they went to sleep."
    "How did the op go? I had to leave halfway through, I'm
    "As planned. It was a gamble, but it paid off. I'm
relieved for the young patient."
    "You're a brilliant surgeon." Kelly grinned down
at him.
    "Thank you. But I can't take all the credit."
    He trod up the stairs in his socks, unbuttoning his jacket.
"The whole team planned meticulously. Success is down to teamwork and good
    "Which takes great leadership. As I said, you're a
brilliant surgeon."
    He wrapped her in his arms and she slid her hands inside his
jacket to massage the tight muscles in his back. He kissed her and leaned his
forehead against hers. "I am so tired. All the research and
planning has taken its toll. I feel as though I could sleep for a week."
    She tried to step back but he held on to her. Small lines
formed between his eyebrows. "Did I say something wrong?"
    "Of course not. I just don't want to crowd you. It
sounds as though you need some space."
    He laughed a low, amused chuckle that rolled across her
senses. "Kelly, love, you are my space, you and the girls and this
house. Just crossing the threshold helps me relax. I've always loved coming
back to this house and the twins. Since you arrived, I can't wait to get home.
The moment I leave in the morning, I start looking forward to seeing you
    Kelly snuggled closer to his chest and pressed some kisses
to his neck and jaw. He really was an easy man to live with.
    "That's better," he whispered. "Now, let's
say good night to my two angels."
    He held Kelly's hand as he headed to the babies' bedroom, only
releasing her to lean over Annabelle's crib and pick up the wide-awake baby.
    "Aren't you sleepy, young lady?"
    "Dada, Dada," Annabelle kept repeating.
    "Daddy is very pleased to see both his beautiful
girls." He smiled at Zoe, then kissed Annabelle's cheeks, making her
giggle before he deposited her back in her bed. "Time to sleep now,
    He crossed the room to Zoe, caressing her cheek before leaning
down to kiss her. She lay cuddling her teddy, her thumb in her mouth. "How
are your teeth, angel? Are they better?"
    "I think so," Kelly said. "Her temperature's returned
to normal. I wouldn't have left her in the day care if she'd been fussy."
    "Good night, angel. Sleep tight." Sean stroked the
blonde curls back off Zoe's forehead, gave Annabelle another kiss, then put his
arm around Kelly and led her from the room.
    "I'll go and check dinner while you change," she
    "Okay." He kissed her again, releasing her
reluctantly. With a thoughtful glance over his shoulder, he headed to his
    Kelly went downstairs, checked the peanut chicken she had
put in the slow cooker earlier, and set some water to boil for the rice.
    Sean wandered in wearing faded jeans and a polo shirt, and
sat on a stool at the kitchen island. Kelly poured two glasses of wine, setting
one in front of him.
    "Thanks." He took a sip. "So, you sat beside
my disreputable brother today. Did he flirt with you?"
    She grinned. "I know you said he has a reputation with
the ladies, but I like him."
    "So do I. We've always been close. He's my best friend
as well as my brother."
    Kelly tipped the rice in the boiling water and placed a lid
over the pan, then turned, her arms wrapped around her middle. Speaking of
Daniel reminded her of what he'd said about Eleanor. She didn't want to upset
Sean, but she had to raise the touchy subject.
    "He mentioned your wife."
    Sean twirled the stem of his wineglass between his fingers
on the granite countertop. "What did he say?"
    "That I should ask you about her."
    He nodded. "Okay."
    Kelly waited while Sean took another sip of

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