The Army Doctor's Christmas Baby

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Book: The Army Doctor's Christmas Baby by Helen Scott Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Scott Taylor
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Medical, Military, Genre Fiction, Inspirational, Holidays
    "So, when do we start dating?" They had sort of
started already with all the kissing they'd done, although that was as far as
they'd gone.
    "Tomorrow." Sean rose and kissed her. "I'll
go in to see Private Tyler in the morning, then I'm on leave until the New
Year. We'll take the girls to visit Santa in the afternoon, then you and I have
been invited out to dinner in the evening."
    The tight knot of concern in Kelly loosened. Sean was
bruised and wary, but he wasn't still in love with Eleanor and he wanted to
move on. There was hope that sometime in the future she might be a proper part
of this family.
    She would have to take good care of him and give him lots of
love to restore his trust in women.

Chapter Seven
    Chattering adults and laughing children lined up outside the
snow-dusted timber chalet at the entrance to Santa's grotto on the fourth floor
of the busy London department store.
    "We might as well carry the girls through so they're
high enough to see everything," Sean said.
    "Good idea. Also, they're less likely to be frightened
by something if they're in our arms." Kelly followed Sean as he pushed the
stroller into the parking area set aside for baby carriers and applied the
brake. She lifted Annabelle from her seat while he picked up Zoe.
    Kelly hitched her bag higher on her shoulder and handed
their booking form to the small woman dressed as an elf in a red hat trimmed
with bells.
    "Follow the signs to Santa Claus's workshop." The
elf lady grinned at the children. "Have fun!"
    They pushed through a turnstile, ducked beneath strips of
hanging greenery, and entered a dimly lit cave. Tiny mechanical elves lined up
at a bench hammered at wooden dolls and trains in time to cheery Christmas
    Annabelle clutched Kelly's coat collar, wide-eyed with
fascination. She pointed at the tableau. "Me, me, me, me," she
chanted in her latest refrain. It was her new favorite word and she knew
exactly what it meant.
    "You can't have those toys," Kelly said.
"Santa's elves are still making them. When we reach Santa, he'll give you
a present to take home."
    Annabelle stared at Kelly, obviously trying to understand.
Then she stretched towards the scene again, chattering to herself.
    Kelly squinted in the low light, her eyes still not
adjusted. "Is Zoe all right?" she asked Sean. As usual, Zoe was the
quieter of the two children, cuddled in her daddy's arms, sucking her thumb.
    "You're okay, angel, aren't you? You like the
elves." Sean dropped a kiss on top of Zoe's hair.
    He leaned close to Kelly, pressed his lips to Annabelle's
head, and stole a quick kiss from Kelly as well.
    "Zoe'll be fine. I might not sit her on Santa's knee,
though. I'm willing to bet she won't like that."
    They wandered along the winding woodchip path through
Rudolph's stable where a huge reindeer model with a flashing red nose nodded
its head, past Santa's sleigh piled high with brightly wrapped boxes tied with
ribbons, and on to Santa's workshop itself.
    Other family groups of mum, dad, and children strolled with
them, laughing and enjoying themselves. With a rush of affection, Kelly stroked
back Annabelle's hair and held her close. How she loved this sweet little girl
and her sister. Anyone seeing their group probably thought she was the twins'
mother, and Sean's wife. If only that were true.
    Longing swept through her, leaving goose bumps on her skin.
She was certainly something to them, but would never be a mother and wife if
Sean adhered to what he'd said. He'd been adamant he didn't want to marry
    She joined in with the Christmas song, singing softly to
Annabelle as they passed a traditional festive scene of a decorated tree beside
a fireplace with four stockings hung on the mantelpiece, two large ones and two
small ones.
    Kelly had thought of hanging stockings at Sean's house but
in the end she hadn't, feeling awkward about putting one up for herself with
the other three. It seemed a bit presumptuous somehow.
    An elf ushered them

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