Tempting Miss Allender (Regency Rakes 3)
was here before she saw him.
    “I shall escort you, then,” he said, holding out his arm.
    “Must you?” she sighed. Why would this man not leave her alone?
    “I am determined to show you what an excellent friend I can be.”
    He was teasing her, and Patience told herself she was not amused.
    “Friendships are formed if both parties are willing, Lord Belmont.”
    He ignored her, instead leading her around the room until they found Lucy, who in turn gave Patience a glare that suggested all was not yet forgiven.
    “Good evening, Mr. Stanhope.”
    Patience drew Lucy to one side as Lord Belmont greeted the man Lucy was talking with.
    “Brantley is here, Lucy. Have a care. I just encountered him outside, and he tried to converse with me, but I walked away.”
    “Cad!” Lucy snapped. “And thank you for telling me, but do not think that excuses you for your earlier behavior.”
    “We have more problems than your delicate ego, Sister.”
    “My ego is not delicate. You were rude,” Lucy hissed.
    “I have no wish to discuss this now, in the company of so many. I suggest we leave at once, as I do not want to run into our cousin again this evening.”
    “That man has disrupted our lives enough. I will not let him do so here. I am going to dance the waltz with Mr. Stanhope, and then I shall be ready to leave,” Lucy said. Then, turning, she placed her hand on Mr. Stanhope’s arm and walked away, leaving her sister alone once more with Lord Belmont.
    “I would ask you to dance again, but as there is every chance you will refuse and my ego cannot take the blow, I shall simply stand silently at your side, a pillar of strength and friendship should you require it, but also undemanding,” Lord Belmont said, taking a step backward to lean against the wall. “Silent and invisible.”
    She didn’t want to smile. She wanted to be cross and agitated, not to mention scared. Her cousin was here, which she’d known was a possibility, but she had hoped he would not attend this season. That idiot Dundrill seemed to favor her. Then there was the tall devil behind her, who she was sure looked as comfortable perched there as he did anywhere.
    “I simply wanted to sit in the rear of the room every evening and chaperone my sister. Is that asking too much?” she muttered.
    “You’re beautiful. Therefore, yes it is.”
    Of course he’d heard her words. “I’m not, and surely that is my choice.” Patience kept her eyes on Lucy, not stepping backward to stand beside Lord Belmont. To anyone watching, they were not together. “And there is nothing about you that could be deemed invisible, Lord Belmont, as is evidenced by the longing looks thrown your way by the two giggling young ladies directly to my left.”
    “It is hardly my fault that my height makes me easy for people to find,” he drawled.
    “And your title and wealth play no part in your attraction?” Patience watched Lucy smile up at Mr. Stanhope and felt her stomach clench. It seemed her sister was smitten.
    “Ouch. I do believe that hurt.”
    “Were it that easy to bruise your ego, I would have spoken that way long ago.”
    “Why do you wish to bruise me?”
    “Not you, your ego,” she said, knowing he was alluding to something else.
    “I’m sorry.”
    His words made her spine tingle. “Why are you apologizing, Lord Belmont?”
    “Because I now know there is more to your anger toward me, even though you have stated otherwise.”
    “Why do you believe that?”
    “I spoke with the Earl of Stadler two nights ago. He said that he’d seen me dancing with you, and was pleased to see you did not hold a grudge.”
    Patience could do nothing to stop her reaction. Her shoulders stiffened and the breath hissed from her throat.
    “When I asked him what I’d done, he said he wasn’t entirely sure, only that his sister, who I believe was your friend, had once said that Lord Belmont was a cad for what he’d done to Miss Allender.”
    Sarah had been her only friend.

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