Tedd and Todd's secret

Read Online Tedd and Todd's secret by Fernando Trujillo Sanz - Free Book Online

Book: Tedd and Todd's secret by Fernando Trujillo Sanz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fernando Trujillo Sanz
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    "Do we have to fix it?"
    "Yes, you know we do."
    They shared a look of defeat, waited a while longer to get their breath, and began the ascent again. Mike thought about a new job on the way up. He could see himself seated comfortably in an office somewhere, a computer screen in front of him, the punching of his fingers on the keyboard the only effort required.
    When they got to the top it wasn't necessary to check what the problem was. It was always the same thing. Two opposing faces of the clock had slowed down and the other two continued with the unaltered time. This time it was the north and south faces that had stopped. The last time it had been the other two. The fault switched constantly.
    While Mike was helping Steve rewind the clock, the prospect of going through this again and again weighed heavily on his mind. He was near to breaking.

    He wanted to finish for the day and go home. It was getting dark and he didn't have the strength to keep fighting something that was beyond his comprehension. Aidan Zack suppressed the urge to grab Lance Norwood, give him a whack in the face and take him back into the building, seeing as they were already at the hospital entrance.
    "Do you mind telling me what you're doing?" Aidan asked.
    There had been a sudden change in the conversation and Aidan felt disorientated. What was all that girlfriend stuff? Lance knew perfectly well that he didn't have a girlfriend. Since his wife's death he'd only been out with two or three women and none of those had lasted more than two or three dates. It was one of the facts Lance used to make him feel uncomfortable. For some reason he felt the necessity to revive Aidan's love life, seeing all the big man's efforts to get something going had failed. Lance kept his head down to the task, telling Aidan he was going to meet the perfect woman someday and when that day came he'd have Lance to thank for keeping him going.
    Aidan felt that Lance pitied him. He knew he was a good friend, probably the best he had. But even so, he was convinced that it was this feeling sorry for him thing that kept him hanging around all the time.
    "Let me see," Lance said, tilting his head and looking at some point behind Aidan's back. "Nice legs, long dark hair. Great curves and that look that young women have that makes you want to find out more about them. Yes, it's her."
    "Damn!" Aidan exclaimed, turning his head. He'd just recognized her. "She didn't see us. Let's get off."
    "Too late, mate. Hi, Carol," Lance called out.
    Carol looked their way. She recognized them immediately and strutted her beautiful twenty-eight-year-old body their way. She knew how to walk, this woman. And everything she had looked better the closer she got.
    "You're going to pay for this, fats," Aidan warned Lance.
    "I'm not fat," Lance complained, running his hands over his generous belly. "Maybe I'm a few kilos overweight, nothing more."
    "You're perfect," Carol said, grabbing Lance by the shoulders and shaking him a bit.
    "It's great to see you, beautiful," he said, smiling, stepping back. "You don't think I'm fat then?"
    "No way," she answered. "I'd swear that you've lost weight since the last time I saw you."
    "The same old lies," Aidan mumbled as he passed by without looking at her.
    "I can see you still haven't forgiven me," she pointed out without looking too worried about the fact. They were walking side by side. "Didn't know you carried grudges."
    "There's a lot you don't know, sweetheart. What's the point of telling you everything?"
    "It surprises me that you haven't killed a journalist yet, given what you think of us."
    "Have you come here to look for more dirt to print in your paper?"
    "How many times do I have to apologize for that? And stop walking while I'm talking to you," Carol said, taking two long strides ahead and cutting Aidan's path. They were standing face to face now, very close. The journalist stared up into Aidan's eyes. "Everything I've published about

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