
Read Online SurviRal by Ken Benton - Free Book Online

Book: SurviRal by Ken Benton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ken Benton
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in the back of Harold’s garage. Yes, Harold was something of an asset in a survival situation. If there was any civil unrest to contend with, he’d likely come in handy. But Clint knew he also came with potential unnecessary hazards. If problems with lawlessness did turn up on the road, Clint would prefer to not have a sizable cache of highly desirable weapons with him. He was an experienced hunter, but travelling with firearms always made him a little uneasy. Now even more so.
    “What else would you plan on bringing?” Clint asked, motioning to the garage.
    Harold laughed. He seemed to pick up on the concern in Clint’s voice.
    “Don’t worry, man. The bulk of my collection stays here. Wouldn’t be optimal if we end up needing alternate transportation. Small arms only. Maybe one good rifle. Not too much ammo. You said Jake has plenty already, right?”
    “Yeah. Possibly enough for a small country. You really think there might be problems on the road?”
    “You watch any local news today?”
    “No. Gave it a break this morning. Gives me indigestion.”
    “There’s pile-ups and temporary blockades on I-25 now. Could get a lot worse. We should all get out of here ASAP. Today, if possible.”
    “I don’t think so, Harold. I appreciate your offer, and especially your willingness to go light on the artillery. But Jenny and I haven’t decided what to do yet. We might end up staying and seeing what happens. I’ll keep an eye on your home for you if you want to take off.”
    Harold stood there looking dejected for a minute. Clint felt sorry for him. Being alone at his age, at a time like this, must be depressing.
     “I’m embarrassed to admit I have no place to go,” Harold eventually responded.
    Now Clint laughed. “Well, you can go to our cabin. Heck, I’ll feel better knowing you’re down there watching it. There’s a key in the fuse box. I can give you directions.”
    Harold began nodding. “Thanks. Thanks a lot, man.”
    “Just let me run it by Jenny first, okay? I know she’ll be fine with it, but she doesn’t like me making decisions without her. If you were married you’d understand.”
    “When will she be back?”
    “Soon, I hope.”
    “To be honest, Clint, I don’t think it’s such a great idea you continue letting her go down there by herself. Especially with her being so pretty and all. The city isn’t as safe as it was a week ago.”
    As soon as those words left Harold’s mouth, the sound of Jenny’s SUV taking a speed bump too fast drew their attention. Good, she was back. But she seemed to be driving erratically. The garage door to Clint’s house opened and Jenny pulled inside. Harold followed Clint home without asking to be invited.
    “Well, the crap is hitting the fan now,” Jenny shouted as she came out of her car. “Hi, Harold.”
    “What do you mean, honey?” Clint rarely heard this tone from her and was a bit alarmed by it.
    “Look,” she said, holding out half loaf of bread.
    “That’s all they were giving today? Well, half a loaf is better than none. Good job, Jen.”
    “No, they ran out completely. It was a madhouse, honey. You should have seen it. All of Denver must have been there. Everyone who’s left in town, anyway. Good thing I was there early. I got one of the last loaves.”
    “I’m surprised they didn’t start rationing quarter-loaves.”
    “Oh, I got a whole loaf. The guard boys didn’t care about rationing and just wanted to get done with it. But then a poor mother with three kids approached me. God they looked destitute. I gave them half. Couldn’t help it.”
    “That’s okay.” Clint hugged his wife, careful not to smash the bread she labored so hard to procure. “I love you. There’s only two of us, anyway. Did you at least get the car gassed up?”
    Jenny pulled back. “No! That’s the other thing. The gas stations are closed, Clint! I went to five of them. Huge lines of cars are parked for miles, waiting for them to

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