Surrender to Temptation Part II: Tempted to Rebel

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Book: Surrender to Temptation Part II: Tempted to Rebel by Lauren Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Jameson
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    An InterMix Book / published by arrangement with the author
    InterMix eBook edition / January 2013
    Surrender to Temptation
copyright © 2013 by Lauren Jameson.
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copyright © 2013 by Lauren Jameson.
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Chapter One
    By six twenty that evening, I was sitting in the vast, sleek lobby of the Phyrefly building waiting to meet Zach. My hands were bound so tightly together in my lap that my knuckles had turned white. My face was warm, and my trembling legs were crossed at the thigh, my every muscle clenched.
    The slick silver ben-wa balls that Zach had secured inside of me earlier that day sat heavily in my pelvis. I tried to hold entirely still, for even the smallest of movements—any movement—set them rocking against my womb, and overwhelmed me with the sensation.
    The vast building seemed to be empty, everyone else having gone for the day. I knew, though, that Zach was still around somewhere. I could feel the tension that being in his vicinity brought to me, vibrating in the air like a tangible substance.
    I looked up at the sleek security monitor, wondering if he was watching, if he could see me. At the same time I saw myself, a small, curvy blonde dressed severely in black, picked out in slightly distorted black and white. The woman on that monitor seemed to be waiting for something—searching for something—and I blinked at my own image, startled by the thought.
    What was I doing here? Was I really throwing myself at one man so soon after being burned by another? Could I really find myself while in the arms of someone else?
    The sound of the chrome elevator sliding into place on the first floor had my heart clenching in the suddenly tight confines of my chest. My palms became slick with sweat, and I unclasped them and nervously

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