Super Dark (Super Dark Trilogy)

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Book: Super Dark (Super Dark Trilogy) by Tanith Morse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tanith Morse
the front door slam, followed by the clatter of Mum’s high heels in the hallway.
    “Darling, I’m home!” she called cheerfully, “and I’ve brought Chinese home for tonight.”
    “In here, Mum,” I shouted.
    When Mum finally poked her head through the bathroom door, she looked surprised, but quickly regained her composure. She touched her hair, like she did whenever she was around a man. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had company.”
    Frasier smiled, stood, and extended his hand. “Pleased to meet you.” Then he added, “Wow! The two of you could pass for sisters.”
    That remark clearly made Mum’s day. “Oh, flattery will get you everywhere, darling,” she said coyly. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t catch your name.”
    “His name is Frasier, Mum,” I said, rolling my eyes. “He’s in my English class.”
    “Lovely to meet you,” Mum said, looking at the pile of hair on the floor. “I see my daughter’s given you a haircut. It looks very…interesting.”
    Frasier blushed. “Thanks. We’re going to a party tomorrow night, so I thought I’d make a bit of change.”
    Mum clapped her hands and gushed, “A party? How wonderful. Who’s is it?”
    “Some boy called Taffin Carter’s,” Frasier replied.
    “Hold on,” I added quickly. “Just when did I agree to go? It’s still undecided.”
    “Of course you’re going!” Mum said, shooting me a look. “You haven’t been out in ages.” She turned her gaze to Frasier. “She’ll go if I have to drag her there myself. She’s becoming such a homebody, but you can help me liven her up, Frasier.”
    Frasier didn’t know what to say. “I’ll do my best.”
    “But I don’t have anything to wear,” I pouted.
    “You can borrow something of mine,” Mum said cheerily. “Now you’ve got no excuse.”
    “Well, I guess that’s decided,” Frasier said, winking at me. “I’ll pick you up at nine.”
    “Perfect!” Mum said happily.
    We shared our Chinese dinner with Frasier, and after he left, Mum ransacked her closet trying to find me something to wear. She threw several glittery skirts, tops, and dresses on the bed, asking me to pick out anything I liked.
    “You know I don’t wear this kind of stuff,” I grumbled. “We have very different taste in clothes, and I just can’t see any of these working for me.”
    Still rummaging through her clothes rack, she said, “You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend.”
    “Frasier’s not my boyfriend.”
    “And he’s a lovely boy, too. So polite and sweet.”
    “We’re just friends, okay, Mum? Nothing more.”
    She finally emerged from the closet. “Sam, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
    “I’ve met someone.”
    I was stunned, and didn’t really want to hear any more. “That’s great, Mum. Who is he?”
    “Oh, just someone from work. His name’s Greg. We went out tonight and had a marvelous time.” She paused a moment, then continued, “We haven’t been seeing each other very long, but I think I really like him.”
    “That’s great, Mum,” I repeated, but my heart wasn’t in it.
    Despite my cynicism about romance, I’d always secretly hoped my parents would get back together, so the thought of Mum dating someone else was disturbing.
    “Maybe I’ll introduce him to you sometime,” she said hopefully. “Perhaps we could all go out to dinner.”
    I rolled my eyes. “Let’s just take one step at a time, okay? Like you say, it hasn’t been very long, and who knows if it’s even going to last?”
    Mum pursed her lips, then turned back toward the closet. She pulled out a navy blue jumpsuit made of a chiffon-type material, held it up, and said, “What do you think of this?”
    It was the first thing I’d seen that looked remotely interesting, but as I glanced down at the legs trailing on the floor, I shook my head. “Too bad it’s too big for me.”
    “Never fear,” Mum said, her face brightening. “I’ll get out the sewing

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