Super Dark (Super Dark Trilogy)

Read Online Super Dark (Super Dark Trilogy) by Tanith Morse - Free Book Online

Book: Super Dark (Super Dark Trilogy) by Tanith Morse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tanith Morse
mind about going to the party.”
    “Don’t hold your breath,” I muttered, but in the back of my mind I could already feel myself weakening.
    We got to my house around five-thirty. Mum wasn’t home, so we had the place to ourselves—which was good, in a way. Having never seen me bring a boy home before, I could only imagine how hysterical she’d get if she saw Frasier. She’d probably start buying her wedding outfit and organizing my bridal shower.
    “Wow, you’re a gym buff, aren’t you?” Frasier commented as he looked at the cross-trainer in my bedroom.
    “Oh, I dabble a little,” I replied bashfully.
    He patted his pudgy stomach and sighed. “I wish I had your will power, but I can’t seem to lay off the carrot cake.”
    I chuckled and cleared a space for him on the bed, discreetly tossing a half-eaten piece of pizza into the wastebasket. My room looked a mess and I silently cursed myself for not keeping Frasier in the living room until I had cleaned up a little.
    “Do you want anything to drink?” I asked.
    “What have you got?”
    “Coke, water, tea—and there’s a Budweiser, if you’d like. I can check the fridge.”
    “No, water’s fine,” Frasier said, smiling broadly.
    As I turned to go, I saw him looking at the framed picture of Elliot on the dresser. He studied it for a second, then he glanced away, pretending he hadn’t seen anything.
    After a moment of silence, I said, “You know , don’t you?”
    He shrugged. “Well, now that you mention it, Becky might have said something about it.”
    “And it’s none of my business. Whatever happened in your past has nothing to do with me. Besides, I doubt if you like people bringing it up all the time. I know I wouldn’t.”
    I nodded silently, then turned and went to the kitchen. When I returned, we talked about school and Star Trek and what we had planned for the summer holiday. Then I went to Mum’s bedroom and brought back a pair of electric clippers.
    “I think we should probably do this in the bathroom,” I decided. “That way, the mess will be easier to clean up.”
    Frasier’s eyes fixed on mine. “Just don’t leave me with a bald patch, okay?”
    “Frasier, do I look like someone who would leave you with a bald patch?” He opened his mouth to reply, but I cut him off. “Don’t answer that. Relax. I know what I’m doing.”
    We went into the bathroom and I had him sit on a stool. Then I plugged in the clippers and carefully began to run them over his head, watching as locks of wavy brown hair cascaded to the floor. My plan was to cut the back and sides relatively short while leaving plenty of fringe on top.
    Tilting Frasier’s head back, I began to shape his sideburns, but my hand slipped and the clippers dug into the fringe I had so carefully crafted. Sighing, I switched off the clippers and surveyed the damage.
    “What’s wrong?” Frasier asked apprehensively.
    I scratched the side of my nose, deliberating on how to salvage the situation. “Um,” I said thoughtfully. “You know, I think you’d look better with a crew cut.”
    “A crew cut?” he asked in surprise. “You mean like the army guys wear? Give me the mirror! I need see what you’ve done.”
    He tried to stand, but I pushed him back down. “No peeking till I’m finished,” I reprimanded. “If you look now, you won’t understand what I’m trying to do.”
    “This is just what I’m afraid of,” he muttered.
    Sighing again, I proceeded to shave the rest of his hair off, and when I was done, I handed him a small mirror. There was a long silence as I awaited his verdict.
    Unable to wait any longer, I asked, “Well, what do you think?”
    “I don’t know,” Frasier replied, tilting his head from side to side. “It makes my nose look big, don’t you think?”
    “Not at all,” I countered. “In fact, I think it suits you. It makes you look more edgy.”
    “Edgy?” he said suspiciously, but before he could say any more, I heard

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