Better Lucky than Good (Records of the Resistance)

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Book: Better Lucky than Good (Records of the Resistance) by Shaun Meehan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shaun Meehan
with the filter. However, it differed as threads were now being cut into the outside of the barrel's muzzle, as opposed to the inside of the bore. When he had finished, Clay carefully inspected the freshly cut, shiny metal.

    "All done?" Melanie asked, approaching Clay from behind.

    She had returned with a bag of dehydrated rice, sweet and sour sauce in a cylindric glass jar, and a small jug of water.

    "Not sure yet. We won't find out much until the paint is dry." Clay replied.

    After laying the rifle on the floor, Clay wiped his hands off on his pants. The two had squared away a bed for the night in the home decor department. Their packs were leaning up against the bed, while Mel had begun rummaging through the dry bag in search of Clay's camp stove.

    "So, it's not much... But it'll be hot." Melanie said in regard to the food.

    "Anything is better than nothing." Clay said, sitting down in front of the rifle with his back against the bed.  

    Clay began installing the rifle’s optics which he had scavenged from the outfitter, while Melanie had begun to boil water. The two sat in mutual silence while they worked on their respective tasks. By the time Clay had finished mounting the rifle's sight, Melanie was dishing out the rehydrated rice into a set of tiny plastic bowls that she had retrieved from Clay’s bag. While they ate in silence, Clay thought back to the shitty camp food he had eaten for the past month. He hadn't had a good meal for just over four weeks now and wondered if he ever would again. However, as far as this meal was concerned, Melanie was correct. It was hot and the rice would provide them with enough energy for the following day.

    After the meal had been devoured by the pair's mutual effort, Melanie moved toward cleaning up the cookware, but was cut off by Clay.  

    "No, no... I have another job for you. You cooked, so I'll clean. But while I clean, I need you to load the magazines for the rifle." Clay said.

    He sat down next to Melanie and placed a box of twenty-two rimfire ammunition and five magazines in front of her. She picked up one of the magazines and began turning it over in her hands, inspecting it curiously.

    "I've never held a gun clip before..." Melanie said, without taking her eyes of the magazine she held in front of her.

    "It's not a clip. This isn't Hollywood and you're not a shitty musician. It's a rifle magazine. If you want to shorten it, calling it a 'mag' is entirely appropriate. A clip is completely different then a box magazine." Clay interrupted.

    Melanie sat there with a sort of stunned look on her face. Clay actually sounded serious...  

    Clay smiled and nudged her with his elbow. He began demonstrating how to properly load a box magazine to Melanie, who copied exactly what Clay was doing. Once he was satisfied that she could competently load them, he left her and began to sort out the dishes.

    "I'm done." Mel said, breaking the mutual silence which they had both been participating in while finishing their assignments. "Now what?"

    "The filter is on that rack over there. Can you grab it?" Clay asked, nodding towards the fuel filter that he had hung on a peg prior to painting it, and returned to the repacking of the cookware.

    Melanie carefully grabbed the filter and looked at it in her hands; ensuring its paint was fully dry. Clay now had the rifle and held his hand out expectantly towards Mel, wanting the filter.  

    "Alright, Clay. I'm lost. What exactly have you been working on, that is so important?" she asked.

    Clay offered no response initially and began threading the fuel filter onto the muzzle of the rifle. He bent down and scooped a magazine up off the floor when he had finished.

    "I saw this done in a video I watched on the internet once..." he said, as he inserted the magazine into the rifle's loading port located in front of the trigger guard.

    "What? I'm not entirely sure what that is, but it looks like something I saw once in an action movie.

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