The Ouroboros Wave

Read Online The Ouroboros Wave by Jyouji Hayashi, Jim Hubbert - Free Book Online

Book: The Ouroboros Wave by Jyouji Hayashi, Jim Hubbert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jyouji Hayashi, Jim Hubbert
Tags: Ebook, book
    “So what are you using to verify this theory of yours?” asked Catherine.
    “As you know, the platform-to-platform ranging system for maintaining the ring’s position relative to Kali can double as a laser interferometer.”
    “And you’re using it to investigate resonance?”
    “Yes, but more importantly, for gravity wave observation. The operating principle is the same. Ouroboros happens to be the largest freestanding laser interferometer in the solar system. Properly used, it should yield very accurate observational data on gravity waves.”

    THE RING’S FOUR HABITATE PLATFORMS bracketed Kali from two directions, offset ninety degrees. Each platform pair—North/South, East/West—used lasers to continuously monitor the distance to the other side of the ring. Kali’s gravity shifted the wavelength of the laser before it reached the detector on the other side; how closely it passed by Kali determined the wavelength shift. By comparing the incoming wavelength against its own reference, each detector could gauge any drift relative to the black hole. Combining these results with data from the other platform pair made it possible to maintain Kali at the precise center of the ring.
    The whole system was a basic application of interferometry and was essential to maintain the stability of a structure like Ouroboros. A ring encircling a gravity source has no net gravitational interaction with that source and thus no stable orbital characteristics. Slight inputs of external energy—including G-forces from the station—could eventually cause Ouroboros to fall into Kali. Data from the lasers was ported to the ring’s attitude control system.
    The attitude control system was also part of the ring’s defense against vibrations caused by activity on the ring—a major problem with such a large structure in space. Despite its size, the ring was extremely delicate. Keeping it stable was no easy task. Ouroboros was equipped with systems to prevent vibrations from turning into destructive resonance. The ring could automatically change shape to dampen any vibration-induced resonance. Once Chandrasekhar Station was complete, systems to deal with these problems would be distributed and redundant, but still essential.

    “ I DON’T BELIEVE IT . You made your pet project a system priority? That’s what you loaded into Shiva?” Catherine knew that Chapman had been investigating this problem just before his death, but she’d had no idea he’d been using interferometry to study gravity waves.
    Chapman’s avatars had always taken realism further than most. In this sense he was an artist, and Catherine’s shock made her forget for an instant that the programmer was dead. A moment later she remembered what she was conversing with. It didn’t do much to cool her anger. The avatar offered the mere appearance of consciousness, while humans were hardwired by evolution to assume—with minimal prompting—the existence of other minds.
    Sure enough, the avatar sounded appropriately offended. “Hey, come off it—I’d never mix private pursuits with official duties. You know that better than anyone. I’m designed to do nothing but monitor for resonance, except when one specific condition is fulfilled. Unless that happens, I’m not programmed to control Shiva in any way.”
    “What’s the specific condition?”
    “When I detect gravity waves that I can’t account for, such as might be generated by an extrasolar civilization.”
    THE VOICE FROM WEST PLATFORM reached Tatsuya. “The South Platform shuttle is on its way. North Platform shuttle is nearly ready to launch.”
    “Roger. We’re almost set to receive visitors. Kurokawa, are you sure this guidance beacon is going to work? It’s been a while since anyone used it.”
    “The long-range tracking radar and short-range laser guidance system are both fine, Chief. Stop worrying. The technology is very simple. They’re not complicated enough to

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