Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend)

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Book: Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend) by Ancelli Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ancelli
you want me to, but I think we need to go see a therapist. I don’t think making love is going to fix this. Let’s start slow. Let me hold you.”
    Mrs. Brenda Reese was a tall African-American woman who’d been recommended to them by Kay’s doctor. Kay watched as Mrs. Reese called Jason into her office and asked him to sit next to Kay.
    She offered a gentle smile with her next words. “Kay, why don’t you share with Jason what you just told me?”
    Kay was quite for a second, she took a deep breath closing her eyes and started telling what happened during her attack and what she was feeling, her sense of guilt, shame, nightmares and how she tried to handle it on her own, but she finally realized that she needed help. Kay looked over at Jason and told him , how she felt it was her fault, she was afraid that he would leave her. She said that the pregnancy helped her, when she felt down , she thought of what she had and would pull forward.
    While she was talking, Jason tried not to show emotions, he just held her hand. He remembered what Mrs. Reese told him try to keep your feelings about the rape to a minimal, don’t show aggressiveness and you need to allow your words and answers to be addressed as gently as possible. Your job for the time being is to be a wonderful listener, the recovery process might be short or long, it’s up to Kay, because everyone handles situations differently. She needs to feel protected and secure . He told Mrs. Reese how he felt, the anger, rage and the shame of not been there to protect her. The therapist explained to him that it wasn’t his fault. She told him they would come out stronger than they started.
    He whispered in her ear. “Kay I love you. I’m always here for you no matter what. It wasn’t your fault.”
    She squeezed his hand, and stopped talking, turned and looked at him. “I know. You’ve never let me down. It wasn’t your fault either.”
    During the next couple sessions Kay and Jason deal t with what happened to her. She learned to open up to Jason again and tell him everything she was feeling. She also opened up about the abuse she suffered at Tommy’s hands, even though it happened once, it had scared her. The nightmares were gone and she finally allowed Jason to hold her, kiss her without feeling sick, or guilty. She was finally starting to be normal again. She took control of her life, and her attacker wouldn’t win.

Chapter Eight
    About a month later, early evening
    “Close your eyes, Kay, and listen to my voice.” Jason whispered in her ear, leaning over her, kissing her nose. “I love your mind”—he kissed her eyes—“your body”—kissed her lips gently—“and your soul.” He grabbed her hands and entwined their fingers. “I will never intentionally hurt you. Do you trust me?”
    She whispered. “Yes.”
    “Now open your eyes and look at me. It’s just you and me. We’re going to make new memories together.” He look ed at her close eyes.
    Kay opened her eyes. “Thank you for loving me.” She leaned forward and kissed his soft lips. “I love you, Jason. It’s been too long. Make love to me.”
    “I’ve missed you,” he said before devouring her lips, he pulled away. “Are you okay?”
    She nodded and cupped his face with her hand. She pulled him into a hot, passionate kiss, taking control of his mouth, nipping at his bottom lip. “I need you.”
    He leaned away again. “Are you sure you’re ready?”
    “Yes, I’m ready . ” S he caressed his lips with her fingers. “I only see and feel you.” They gazed into each other’s eyes.
    He g ave her gentle kisses as she parted her lips for him, and slowly making love with their tongues. He pulled slightly away and kiss ed her earlobe and neck.
    She moaned. “Jason.”
    “I’m going to take it slow,” he said, making his way to her right breast, kissing and nibbling on it, and then giving the left one the same treatment. “Feel me.”
    She moaned in

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