Fall into Him

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Book: Fall into Him by Evelyn Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Harper
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make.” Philip placed an open-mouthed kiss
on the juncture between her shoulder and throat. “The way you beg for my cock.
How your breathing quickens just before you cum. Your squeals when I do
something that surprises you.” He tweaked her nipple through her bra and
Jennifer let out a strangled sound. Philip chuckled. “I love how you respond to
my every touch.”
    “Philip,” Jennifer's nails scraped on the wall. She could feel herself
getting nearer to the edge.
    He made a pleased sound. “I love the different ways you say my name. A
whisper, a breath, a scream.”
    “Philip,” Jennifer said it again, putting every ounce of longing into
that single word. She was so close.
    He gave a muffled groan as he came, his cock pulsing inside her, the
final sensation needed to trigger Jennifer's orgasm. She shuddered against him,
aware of his body pressed tightly against hers, his face pressed into the crook
of her neck. She didn't cry out, only let out a shaky breath, but what washed
over her was deeper and stronger than anything she'd ever felt before.
    He eased out of her and took a step back. Jennifer looked down as she
straightened her clothes, a familiar embarrassment coming over her. As she
stuffed her ruined pantyhose into her purse, Philip's hand was suddenly under
her chin. She let him tip her face up, too surprised to do anything else. His
eyes were bright as he gently kissed her. It was a mere touching of lips,
chaste by comparison of everything else they'd done, but it took Jennifer's
breath away. He smiled down at her and brushed some hair back from her face.
    She was still replaying that moment when they left the conference room
an hour later. She'd done her job, but it hadn't been easy concentrating while
she could see the stairwell door from her seat. Philip's proximity didn't help
her, nor did the fact that she was very conscious of Philip's cum inside her,
soaking her panties. By the time they finished, she was more than ready to
    Jennifer could feel her face warm as she recounted the stairwell
incident as they rode the elevator back down. They were walking halfway across
the lobby, Philip carrying her box of things, when the lobby doors opened and
Brad walked in.
    Jennifer mentally cursed. What was he doing? Any hope she'd had that
he'd matured out of his irrational jealousy was shattered as anger passed
across Brad's face and he headed straight for her.
    “So, who's this?” Brad demanded, eyes raking over Philip. “Why are you
at a hotel with him in the middle of the day?”
    “Calm down,” Jennifer felt like she was going to throw up. “Brad, this
is Philip Haas. He's my boss.”
    “Your boss?” Brad scoffed. “I thought you answered phones and shit.”
    “Jennifer is my personal assistant,” Philip's voice was calmly polite,
but his deliberate use of her first name spoke volumes.
    “Right,” Brad turned towards Jennifer, a smile on his face. “I bet I
know how you got that job. Am I right?” He wasn't shouting, but his voice was
definitely getting louder. “Did you earn it the way I taught you?”
    “Brad,” Jennifer interrupted, horrified at what he might say next. “Why
are you here?”
    “I just want to talk to you.”
    “I'm working,” Jennifer gave Philip a nervous glance.
    “We need to talk,” Brad grabbed Jennifer's wrist.
    “Take your hand off of her,” Philip's tone was scarily quiet.
    “Jennifer,” Brad ignored the other man.
    “Do I need to call security?” Something in Philip's voice made Jennifer
think that maybe he'd prefer to handle the situation himself.
    “No,” Jennifer shook her head and pulled her arm back from Brad. She
took a step away from her ex and towards Philip, keeping her eyes on Brad.
“I'll talk to you later. We have a meeting we need to get to.”
    “Fine,” Brad didn't look happy but the dangerous glint had left his
eyes. He'd never gotten

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