Fall into Him

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Book: Fall into Him by Evelyn Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Harper
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different Philip seemed facing off against
Mr. Young than he had when he was in Japan. Was Philip being so intimidating
with this young man because of what had happened with Brad? Philip had seemed a
bit intense when Brad had grabbed her.
    Philip's voice caught her attention again. “You are correct, Mr. Young,
that I have not worked on a cleaning crew. However, had you done your research,
you would have found that I have worked as a bell boy and did work my way up
through the ranks in most positions before I became CEO.”
    Jennifer pressed her lips together, stopping herself from wanting to
ask Philip questions. She didn’t know that Philip had gone through the ranks to
get to his current position. She had assumed he was just someone hired from a
different hotel or perhaps out of an MBA program.
    Philip’s sternness with the young man to put him in his place made her
wonder what it would be like to watch him do the same to Brad.
    “Mr. Young,” Philip raised an eyebrow. “Who hired you to represent the
housekeeping staff?”
    “Sir?” Philip shifted in his seat, face flushing.
    Philip glanced at Jennifer and then looked meaningfully at her
notebook. For a moment, Jennifer was afraid that Philip had caught her
daydreaming, but then she realized that Mr. Young was nervously eyeing her
notebook and she understood what Philip wanted. She fixed an attentive look on
her face and made a note of Philip's question.
    “Who hired you?” Philip repeated, his voice dropping to that soft,
almost scary, tone that made Jennifer shiver.
    “I don't think that's relevant, Mr. Haas,” the young man couldn't look
Philip in the eyes.
    “Oh, I think it's quite relevant, Mr. Young,” Philip's eyes were as
hard as his voice. “After all, the coordinating manager who hired you, Tom
Evans, is your half-brother.”
    Jennifer wasn't sure who was more shocked by the revelation, her or Mr.
    Philip continued. “Unlike you, I did my research, including looking
beyond your last names. I knew who hired you, but I decided to give you an
opportunity to present your case. It didn't matter to me why you'd been hired,
so long as you could do your job. It seems to me, however, that your concern
lies with getting a raise for the coordinating manager since his income is
directly proportional to that of his staff.”
    “Sir, Mr. Haas, Sir, I-” Mr. Young stammered, his face paling. “I'm
sorry, Sir.”
    Philip held up a hand to stop any additional apologies. “If you want to
stay employed, Mr. Young, you will need to change the attitude with which you
do your job. Honest, hard work, is what will keep you working for me. Anything
less will get you fired, and most likely blacklisted from every major hotel
chain in the country.”
    What little color had still been in the representative's face drained
    “Take care, Mr. Young,” Philip leaned forward. “You may never again
meet another person as generous as I am being right now.”
    “I understand,” Mr. Young nodded enthusiastically. “Thank you, Sir.”
    “We're done here. Contact my office after you discuss things with your
people,” Philip stood. “Miss Brooks.”
    Jennifer blinked at the abrupt change and scrambled to her feet. She
hurried after Philip as he left the conference room. She waited until they were
in the elevator before asking the question that had popped into her mind.
    “May I ask…why didn't you fire him?”
    Philip gave her a look of approval at the question. “Sometimes having a
bit of mercy is better. Firing him would mean I would also need to fire the
coordinating manager. That gives me two positions that I need to fill, training
that needs to be done, and the housekeeping department loses their
    “So you don't want to have to hire new people?” Jennifer wasn't sure
she understood. “But now you have two people working for you who aren't

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