Old Enough to Love... (Just One of the Guys)

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Book: Old Enough to Love... (Just One of the Guys) by Kristi Pelton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristi Pelton
the first to arrive, I had my pick of seats and chose a back row.
    I tugged my homework assignment out and pretended to recheck as voices of kids began filling the room. Zach breezed through the door the moment I looked up and I could see the questions in his eyes. I didn’t look away. He gave me a casual nod. How could someone that beautiful worry about Grant? But it gave me a hint of satisfaction knowing Grant bothered him.
    With my pencil, I pointed to the desk next to me. He pushed the desks apart to get through and slid in.
    “Hey,” he said.
    “Hey. Did you get my text?”
    “I had a crazy night. Sorry.”
    I studied his flawless face wondering if I’d blown things yesterday. He kept his eyes down. How was I supposed to know Grant would show up to take me home?
    “Zach.” I touched his hand but he didn’t look at me. “Zach.” My voice more forceful. I scooted as close as I could get without tipping off everyone in the room.
    “What?” His one word was abrasive but his eyes seemed confused.
    “It’s not what you think.” I needed to speak fast or I wasn’t going to get it out. “Ryan took Claire home and left me. He asked Grant to do it. I’m sorry.”
    He nodded.
    “He’s like my brother.” I frowned just thinking about Grant. And of course he strolled into Algebra at that second.
    “Why didn’t you call me?”
    The thought never actually occurred to me. Grant was always there to pick me up when Ryan couldn’t. It was a given. Grant was not just another brother; he was my best friend, the love of my life, until now. But I couldn’t say that. I had to make him understand.
    “Like I said…”
    “Hey, Runt.” Grant reached over and smacked the back of my head, whiffing my hair.
    “Stop it, Grant,” I said annoyed and rubbed my head.
    Zach’s brows raised and his jaw tightened.
    “Hey, Owens.” Grant greeted Zach.
    “ Meiers.”
    Grant plopped next to me on the opposite side. Then Estelle danced through the door. She did a rolling finger wave to Zach.  Ho Bag! No seats were available except for the one in front of Grant—diagonal from me.
    “Hi Emma,” she said.
    “Hi Stelle.”
    “Grant.” She acknowledged him by sticking her tongue out.
    “Keep the tongue in your mouth Stelle. I’ve heard it’s been getting around lately.”
    She gave him the middle finger behind her back where Mr. Bowman couldn’t see. “You’re just jealous because you haven’t seen it,” she seethed.              
    “I’ve seen it one too many times. No interest here.” Grant looked at me and winked.
    “Kiss my ass.” She was pissed and I tried to hide my smile.
    “Been there. Done that sista.”
    “Open your books to page 19,” Mr. Bowman ordered. I wish I could have seen Zach’s face during that interaction—to know what he was thinking. She was a ‘ho and he needed to know it. But then again, he may already. The bell rang and Zach met me at the door.
    “I can’t walk you today.”
    My throat tightened. Crap. It was SO over.  “Why?”
    “Last night I needed to do an Anatomy and Physiology report and I didn’t get it done. I need to do it now.  I’m ditching Spanish.”
    “Why didn’t you get it done?” I questioned. I had never ditched before.
    “I had a meeting and some other things on my mind.” He ran his fingers through his hair and wouldn’t look at me.
    “Like Grant?” I asked quietly, scared of his answer.
    I wasn’t sure he was going to answer. “It doesn’t matter.” He paused. “I really wanted to punch him when he hit you in the head.”
    A smile swept my face. “Thanks, but they all do that.”
    “Yeah. Well. They need to stop.” His tone was serious and his eyes still weren’t happy. “Do you have practice tonight?”
    “I’ll drive you home, if that’s OK.”
    I nodded biting my lip and rolled my eyes as the bell rang. “That would be great,” I yelled over my shoulder and darted for gym.
    On Friday, Zach picked me

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