The Compound

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Book: The Compound by Claire Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Thompson
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from his pocket. He clipped it to her collar and tugged. “Let’s go. I’ll take you back to the slave quarters. You have free time until dinner. You are to stay in the slave quarters. You can shower, nap, visit with the other trainees—whatever suits you. Dinner is at seven o’clock, sharp. I will expect you on my cushion at six fifty, ready and waiting.”
    Alexis rose, come still dripping from her face and smeared over her breasts. She followed the trainer from the room, down the two flights of stairs and out of the building. She was completely exhausted. She couldn’t wait to get away from the exacting Master John. She couldn’t wait to get into a shower and wash away this humiliation.
    She had, she realized, a lot to learn.
    Paul looked up from the novel he was reading at the tap on his open door. “Hey,” he said. “What’s up?”
    John entered the room and Paul waved him toward the chair opposite his. When Paul had first come to The Compound a year ago, John had lived in the main house and their bedrooms had been next to each other. They were close in age, John being thirty-two to Paul’s thirty, and they had become friends.
    “I’ve got a new trainee,” John said, settling into the chair, a clipboard in his hand.
    “Yes, I know. Alexis, right?” In spite of himself, just saying her name made Paul’s heart quicken a little. Which was odd, as she wasn’t his usual physical type, with her voluptuous curves, dark hair and olive-toned skin. He’d always fallen for the willowy type, women with long, lean bodies, small breasts, pale skin and fair hair. Not to mention, he knew it wasn’t a good idea to think of the trainees in a sexual way. They were short timers, here for their own purposes, not to satisfy the lusts of their trainers. While sex was certainly an important component of any submissive training equation, it wasn’t about the trainer’s gratification, but about the sub’s goals and needs, and he tried always to remember that.
    But something about that girl—the spark in her eyes when they’d first met and the questioning curve of her kissable mouth as he’d introduced himself—had skipped right past his usual defenses and lodged itself firmly under his skin. He didn’t share this with John, of course.  John would never approve. He was a strictly by the book trainer, and would never let his heart interfere with his head. Even when it had been plain to everyone but John that he was in love with Wendy, he’d still made her petition him formally, and run a whole gauntlet of tests before accepting her as his personal slave.
    “Yeah.”   John looked down at the clipboard, which Paul knew contained the vital statistics Miriam would have compiled to give the trainer a starting point. “She’s probably one of the most inexperienced subs I’ve ever been assigned to train,” John said. “She’s fidgety, easily distracted and impatient. I actually found her with her hand buried in her cunt when she was supposed to be waiting for inspection. She was so caught up in getting herself off that she didn’t even hear me come in.”
    “No way!” Paul laughed, though his mind shifted instantly to an image of Alexis caught in the throes of masturbation, her head thrown back, her cheeks flushed, her breath rasping in her throat. He shook his head to dislodge the image. “Is that why she was on the punishment platform?”
    John barked a mirthless laugh. “Nope. That was for yet other infractions, though not quite as serious. She’s just completely untrained. A total novice, though apparently Miriam saw something worthwhile in her.” He shrugged, as if what that might be escaped him.
    “Let’s see the chart.”
    John handed it to him and Paul scanned the information.
    Alexis Stewart
    Physical Statistics:
    Age: 29 ;
    Height: 5’5” ;
    Weight: 1 22 pounds;
    Orientati on: Straight, some bisexual tendencies;
    Disposition: Masochist with submissive leanings;

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