Stand by Me

Read Online Stand by Me by Sheila O'Flanagan - Free Book Online

Book: Stand by Me by Sheila O'Flanagan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheila O'Flanagan
Tags: Fiction, General
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her mother. ‘Remember everything I’ve ever told you. Remember the Church’s teaching. Remember that one day you’ll want to get married and have children and that you’ll want to have a good life with the right man.’
    ‘Yeah, right, I’ll remember all that,’ said Dominique. She got up and went to her bedroom. And remember, she told herself as she lay on her bed and stared at the ceiling, that you’ve already met the man you want to marry. That you have made love to him and that it was wonderful And that he’s already said he loves you too.
    He phoned the following evening while she was still at work, and so she didn’t get to talk to him till the day after that, when she called him back.
    ‘I forgot you were working late yesterday,’ he said.
    ‘It wasn’t busy,’ she told him. ‘I was going to try to ring you from the restaurant, but Melanie Lynch is nearly as bad as Kirsten for throwing her weight around and not letting you grab a minute here or there.’
    ‘I miss you,’ he said.
    ‘And I miss you.’
    ‘I had a great time on Friday.’
    ‘Me too.’
    ‘I have to see you again. Really soon.’
    Dominique felt a rush of warmth flood the pit of her stomach.
    ‘Why’s that?’
    ‘You know why,’ he said. ‘You were amazing. And for your first time too . . . I didn’t think . . . You’re astonishing, Domino. You really are.’
    She flushed with pleasure. ‘Everything about it was astonishing and amazing,’ she said. ‘And I loved every second.’
    ‘But we should do it properly,’ Brendan told her. ‘I had a plan, you know.’
    ‘Yes. I thought I’d be taking a shy little maiden somewhere great and initiating her into the secrets of fantastic sex. But you weren’t one bit shy, my little Domino. And you were fantastic.’
    ‘Is that all right?’ She worried suddenly that he thought she was too forward. Too tarty. Too slutty.
    ‘Oh yes,’ he assured her.
    ‘When can we meet?’ she asked.
    ‘Tonight? You can come back to my place. The other lads will be out.’
    She realised that she was shaking thinking about it. Shaking because she wanted it so much.
    ‘Usual place for a couple of drinks,’ said Brendan. ‘And afterwards . . .’
    ‘Yeah. Afterwards ...’ She replaced the phone. She couldn’t wait.
    It was better the second time for a whole heap of reasons, but principally because this time she was lying on a bed, the rain wasn’t dripping down her collar and her feet weren’t crippled from shoes that were too tight. Brendan took more time, too, to kiss her and stroke her and do things to her that she liked, so that she was quivering with desire. (She’d read the phrase in one of the historical romances she liked to read and she’d often wondered what it really meant, but after that night with Brendan, she knew.) And this time he had asked if she was OK with condoms and she’d said of course because she’d read that they had a nearly ninety per cent success rate, which was pretty good. She wasn’t worried about the other ten per cent. Brendan had called her his lucky Domino. Lucky Dominos didn’t get caught out.
    She was also able to freshen up in the bathroom afterwards, although she wasn’t sure how much of a bonus that actually was - she couldn’t help thinking that her idea of a clean bathroom clashed fairly fundamentally with how four single men saw it. She’d had to rinse out the sink before she could use it, and she opted not to take advantage of a bar of green Palmolive soap that was caked with stubble.
    When she returned to the small kitchen, Brendan had made her a cup of tea. She was touched by the gesture, even though the tea was far too strong for her taste. She sipped it cautiously, determined to drink it all. Brendan himself was swigging from a bottle of beer, which he’d taken from the small fridge, and

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