Dragon Fate

Read Online Dragon Fate by Elsa Jade - Free Book Online

Book: Dragon Fate by Elsa Jade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elsa Jade
Tags: BBW dragon shifter paranormal romance
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Because I can still feel his cold touch, and I can’t believe”—she laughed harshly—“despite everything that has happened, I can’t believe I thought for even a second that maybe I’d found someone who cared for me.”
    Their earlier matched breathing was still synchronized, but this time in heaving pants as Torch stared down at her. His eyes widened, as if he saw more than even she’d said, and her pulse raced, fire and ice burning toward her core. Which would win…
    “Let me up,” she said sullenly.
    “Oh, I’ll take you up,” he said.
    He dropped his mouth down to hers.
    Before, he’d given her breath. This time, he stole it. All of it, greedily, as if he could turn the air from her depths into gold coins to fill a treasure chest.
    And she stole it back, forcing her tongue into his mouth like a siphon.
    He gasped, flooding her with heat and air.
    And the fire blazed up between them.
    She skated the hand he’d clenched to his chest up over his pecs to his hair and tangled her fingers in the spiky, dark blond strands. He slid the arm that he’d angled across her chest behind her back, arching her up toward him.
    They all but devoured each other. And still she couldn’t get enough. She raked both hands down his back, feeling the width of muscle writhe at her touch. The tattoos had no texture, but somehow she felt them, like a shift in temperature or a faint buzz of electricity. The ichor, swirling under his skin. She sank her fingers into the taut globes of his ass and tugged hard.
    As heavy as he was, he moved like he was on ball bearings—if only two balls—easily swinging at her insistent grip to center himself between her legs.
    She hadn’t bothered with underwear, but the long hem of her t-shirt bunched between them, a tissue paper barrier, but a last warning nonetheless.
    She yanked it aside.
    “Ah, fuck, Anjali…” he groaned.
    “Yes,” she moaned. “Yes, fuck.”
    The cotton parted down her chest with one gesture of his taloned finger, and a whisper of cooler air tricked across her bared skin.
    That was on purpose, she thought hazily. He wanted to remind her what he was.
    As if she could forget.
    He stared down at her, and now the aurora borealis flames in his eyes were a raging conflagration.
    “You want this.” His words were somewhere between a question and an oath.
    Maybe an incantation.
    But she was done with words and secrets and lies.
    This was body to body, nowhere to hide.
    She clamped her heels behind his ass and lifted her hips, splaying her knees to show him everything.
    Though his hand went to her offering, his gaze was locked on hers.
    “Tell me what you like,” he demanded.
    No words , she wanted to tell him. But a needy moan leaked from her lips when he circled his thumb around her clit, inexorably closing in. He pressed harder on the soft folds of her labia, forcing the shy nub of flesh into a pouting pearl.
    Lightning branched through her, igniting the last shards of ice. As he circled faster and firmer, the lightning caught and held, pulsing brighter and brighter. He dropped his head to her breasts, his hot breath feathering across her skin. Her nipples pointed straight up, gleaming red like twin warning lights to low-flying airplanes to stay away.
    Of course, Torch was no low flyer.
    As his thumb teased her clit, his tongue swirled across her left breast, a lazy ascent on some updraft only he could see. She clutched at his hair, as if those fine strands would keep her aloft. When he reached the peak, he sucked her nipple between his teeth and tongued the pebble. The rough-velvet caress made her suck in a harsh breath, driving her breast higher into his mouth.
    He suckled the swollen flesh, his other hand plucking at her right nipple until the lightning burned a jagged triangle between her crotch and her breasts. Her core tightened, all of her zooming for the heights he promised.
    Still circling her clit, he slid a finger inside her, stroking her from the inside. If

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