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Book: SPOTLIGHT by Dora Dresden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dora Dresden
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signs practically glowing with green neon in his eyes, “And then afterwards all those lights and sounds and spectacles make them extra hungry. And that's when they wander into our fine dining establishment for a little Home Sweet comfort and an All-American slice of apple pie.”
                Abby had rolled her eyes at that but conceded it made sense. She had had to pull in a number of favors and promise a few more but she'd managed to get a split double shift, the first half starting in the wee hours of the morning and the second half at near midnight. It was going to be a stressful day and would probably throw off her sleeping schedule for days to come, but the schedule freed up her late afternoon and evening to spend in William's company and that was more than worth it.
                Abby watched the sun come up through the big picture window as the day started. She kept mostly busy serving the few customers who were looking for a hearty breakfast and even helped the cooks prep some of those famous apple pies. The morning passed in relative quickness; she wiped down the tables, daydreamed about William and fought off Aaron's feeble advances.
                It was not lost on her that her boss had what passed for a crush on her. He was not too pushy but she had already turned him down a number of times since she had been working there, but still he persisted like some kind of love-struck gnat. Aaron was polite enough, quite easy on the eyes with his long jet black hair and rugged, lean physique. But Abby had never really been into the bad boy type and anyway she had William now.
                “Why not give me your number?” Aaron asked boldly.
                “Aaron, you already have my number. You call me all the time and yell at me when I'm two minutes late,” Abby swatted him playfully away with her dishcloth.
                “Yes, I know I already have your number. But it's more special if you give it to me.”
                Abby had to laugh at that logic. Aaron was quite witty when he wasn't in angry boss mode, and she had no doubt that he had tricked and charmed any number of girls, and probably a fair few former waitresses, with that line.
                Angelica would have liked him, Abby found herself thinking. It was a game she sometimes played, imagining what her outspoken sister's opinions would be on anything from guys to shoes to a book she'd read or a movie she'd seen.
                Abby had already decided that Angelica would have liked William. How could anyone not like him with that mop of unruly brown-blonde hair and those cornflower eyes, clear as cut glass?
                Angie would have liked him and she would have stolen him away, Abby thought darkly. She immediately felt bad for such an idea fleeting through her head even briefly, but there it was and there was no taking it back. It made her uncomfortable that she could still feel envious of her long dead sister, even after all that had happened between them and all that had happened after.
                Abby forcibly set those dark thoughts aside, focusing instead on her customers, and before she knew it her first shift was over and it was time to go. Noelle flounced in to take over, uncharacteristically early and with a huge glowing grin on her face.
                “Good news!” She announced to Abby as she walked in the doorway “The best news ever in fact!”
                Noelle actually did a few prima ballerina pirouettes right there in the restaurant entryway that had Abby laughing and clapping and eager to hear her friend's news.
                “I got a job!” Noelle squealed.
                “You have a job,” Aaron said irritated. He had come out to see what had his waitresses so giddy.

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