
Read Online Spellbound by Marcus Atley - Free Book Online

Book: Spellbound by Marcus Atley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Atley
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    By the time Stavros had found the information he was looking for, Elion was jotting his own information on a tablet and yawning.
    “I need a shower.”
    “So go take one,” Stavros snorted. Seconds later he felt the sharp tug that made him groan. He turned to walk back just as Stavros growled, ‘for fuck’s sake’, and began to stand up.
    “I can wait,” Elion insisted.
    “No. You wanted a shower, take one.” Stavros turned him towards the bathroom once more.
    Elion looked at him curiously before rolling his eyes. He shifted his weight awkwardly when Stavros sat on the toilet lid and leaned back as if it were a comfortable seat. A superior brow rose as he looked at Elion impatiently.
    “Close your eyes, turn around… something,” Elion said sheepishly. Stavros groaned and closed his eyes, lacing his fingers behind his head. Elion started the water and tore off his clothes, not looking to see where they landed before he dove into the shower.
    “This is so weird,” he muttered to himself, lathering the generic hotel shampoo in his hair.
    Elion yelped. “Why what?” he responded as his heart settled back into place.
    “Why is this weird?” Stavros asked, too casually for it to be even close to normal.
    “Uh, maybe this is all normal for you, but it’s certainly not for me. Really wasn’t in the job description either.”  Stavros snorted dryly and the bathroom went back to silence, save for the sound of water hitting flesh and shower tile. Once he was done, he realized that he hadn’t grabbed a towel. The ones that were directly above Stavros’ head. He swallowed hard and peeked from beyond the shower curtain.
    “Stavros, I need a towel,” he said meekly.
    There was an uncomfortably long silence before he dared look up. Stavros was giving him a pointed look as he held a fluffy white towel out of Elion’s reach. Elion tried to keep his jaw from dropping in disbelief and sheer frustration. It was unclear if Stavros was being a drunk pervert or if he was genuinely teasing. Either way, Elion couldn’t move without giving Stavros a show.
    “You’re such a jerk,” he huffed.
    “You’re such a child.” The larger man suddenly stood up, and with three average strides ended up almost chest to chest with Elion.
    “Turn the hell around,” he choked out, warm fingers brushing his when he finally grabbed the thick towel. The smallest of twitches pulled at the edges of Stavros’ lips before he complied. Elion quickly wrapped the towel around his slender waist before stepping out of the shower, only to come to another dead halt. A sharp intake of air made him choke once more.
    Stavros tossed his shirt aside and had his pants already half pushed down his thighs. Apparently the cambion was a commando kind of guy, not that he could wear underwear with half of his pants.
    “What are you doing?” Elion squeaked.
    “I smell like humans and smog. What in oblivion do you think I’m doing?”
    “Oh, right. When in Rome, right?” he joked weakly.
    “What?” Stavros asked, brow furrowed. “We’re in New York.”
    “You know the saying- forget it. Just get in the shower.” Elion stumbled back, diverting his eyes as Stavros moved around him to step into the shower. As he sat on the sink, he wondered if Mikhail would let him go to Utah. It was going to take a huge distance between them to forget any of this had ever happened.
    Unlike him, Stavros obviously had no qualms about stepping out of a shower in front of someone naked; naked with beads of water running down his body, gliding along chiseled muscle before passing his navel and heading for his-
    “Are you going to stare or hand me a towel?” Stavros asked smugly. 
    Elion ripped a towel off the shelf and threw it at his partner. “I wasn’t staring. Not at you anyway,” Elion huffed, ignoring the blotchy blush creeping up his neck.
    “Sure you weren’t,” Stavros laughed. He laughed.
    Elion froze, his shoulders tensed and

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