Some Like it Scot (Scandalous Highlanders Book 4)

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Book: Some Like it Scot (Scandalous Highlanders Book 4) by Suzanne Enoch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Enoch
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nanny, Peter.” Munro favored the footman with a raised eyebrow. He felt more like growling, but Gilling would know that an offer—or order—of company on a fishing expedition should not cause him that much annoyance. The clouds and drizzle had finally fled late last night, though, and after two days of miserable weather and no excuse to go outside he found himself both restless and exceedingly curious to see if the Cat had fled Haldane.
    Leaving the last sack of supplies on the doorstep had been a gamble, but after seeing the wild redhead and then a second lass head out to pick raspberries, he’d decided a face-to-face confrontation would rouse more hostility than it would gratitude. He could tell just from the inappropriately dainty gown the taller lass wore that she wasn’t from anywhere nearby—or anywhere this far north.
    The temptation to follow them had pulled at him, but the Cat had been carrying that damned ancient musket in her right hand, and he’d already bellowed that he was going hunting with Lach—as poorly as that had turned out. At least now he knew what she was protecting. Why or from what eluded him, but he would figure it out. Saint Bridget’s tits, he couldn’t seem to think about anything else, anyway. Even asleep, dreams of a lithe, red-haired lass with long, trouser-covered legs had him restless and frustrated.
    â€œThe loch would be in that direction, m’laird,” Peter Gilling said, pointing over to the left.
    Munro drew up Saturn. “I need yer oath aboot someaught, Peter,” he stated, turning in the saddle to face the former soldier.
    â€œI’ll nae give it to ye blindly, Laird Bear,” the footman returned. “The last time I gave a blind oath, I ended up helping yer bràthair Arran kidnap a Campbell. And I had to wear a damned dress.”
    â€œI saw that. Ye werenae a pretty lass.” Munro took a breath. “I found someaught, and I gave my word that no one else would hear of it. So I reckon ye can either take the same oath, or I’ll tie ye to a tree to keep ye from following me.”
    The stout man scowled. “I dunnae want to be tied to a tree.”
    â€œAnd I dunnae want to have to tie ye to one. I reckon ye’d give me a fight, and ye might get hurt. I’m assuming, though, that ye willnae just turn around and go home.”
    â€œI willnae. I’m protecting ye with my life.”
    â€œThen it’s yer oath, or the tree.”
    Peter Gilling took a deep breath. “I give ye my oath. As long as whatever yer secret is, if it doesnae cause harm to ye or the rest of the MacLawrys, I’ll keep my gobber shut aboot it.”
    â€œAnd I’ll hold ye to that.” Munro nudged Saturn in the ribs, and they started off again. “We’re nae going fishing. And the luncheon basket isnae fer us. Ye’re nae to converse with anyone, and ye’d best call me Bear.”
    The servant narrowed his eyes. “This is sounding very familiar,” he grumbled. “Ye arenae hiding a Campbell or a MacDonald lass from her family, are ye? Because I dunnae relish the thought of fleeing to the Colonies with ye. I said I’d go with Laird Arran if it came to that, but it’s nae a thing a man decides on a whim.”
    â€œIt isnae like that,” Munro returned, though he didn’t precisely know who the Cat was or what she was hiding herself and the other lass from. But they were hiding; he knew that as well as he knew his own face.
    â€œWell, that sounds like the right words, but I reckon I’ll keep my two peepers open, anyway.”
    He wouldn’t get a better answer than that. The idea of bringing another soul with him to Haldane Abbey still didn’t sit well, but if Ranulf suspected he was up to something, slipping away anywhere on his own would become next to impossible. Peter Gilling was the least of several complications he could imagine.
    They rode up the long,

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