Side Chic

Read Online Side Chic by La'Tonya West - Free Book Online

Book: Side Chic by La'Tonya West Read Free Book Online
Authors: La'Tonya West
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started to cry. “Stop teasing him!”
    “Whoa…chill out!” I snapped. “He was only playing around! He didn’t mean any harm. We were all just having fun!”
    “It’s not fun when you are making someone else feel bad!” She snapped back!
    “Kisha…for real?” I gave her a look that told her she was pissing me off! “It wasn’t even that serious!”
    “ Well it was to Quan !”
    I got up from the table and dumped my food in the trash! She’d caused me to lose my appetite. “Y’all boys finish up your food so that you can take your baths and then y’all can read me a book.”
    “Okay!” Quan replied smiling. They loved reading to me so that they could show me how well they were reading.
    Shaun didn’t say anything. He was slowly eating his food and sniffling. He wasn’t crying anymore by now his little tears had dried on his face. “Stop looking so sad Shaun.” I told him. “If you do a good job reading, I’ll give you a popsicle before you go to bed.”
    That brought a smile to his face. I left out of the kitchen and went into the bedroom. I grabbed my laptop and sat down on the bed, propping some pillows behind my back and lying up against the headboard. I grabbed my cigarettes off of the nightstand and the lighter. I let lit one up and then powered up my laptop and logged in to Facebook. As I strolled down my newsfeeds I saw a status update from Lala. It said. These past few weeks haven’t been easy but with each day that goes by it gets better. Still missing home but I know that I made the right decision.
    I started to comment but then decided against it. I figured that it was best if I just kept things the way that they were. I stayed on Facebook a little while longer before logging out and browsing the web.
    Kisha came in to the bedroom . “So I guess you are mad now because I popped Shaun.” Those were the first words out of her mouth.
    “Don’t come in here with that! If you came in here to start an argument then you need to take your ass right back in there!” She knew that she’d been dead wrong for how she had over reacted. She’d taken things to a whole other level for no reason at all.
    “Who are you talking to like that?” She asked placing her hand on her hip and tilting her head to the side causing a strand of her red hair to fall in her face. She removed her hair from her face and continued to stare at me waiting for an answer.
    “Kisha go ahead.” I warned.
    “Why you acting like I abused him or something?”
    I looked up at her . “I never said that you abused him but I do feel like you blew shit out of proportion! We were all joking around having a good time. He wasn’t doing anything wrong! He was playing with Quan. You didn’t have to hit him!”
    She just stood there looking at me for a second like she was trying to think of something to say. Finally she let out a sigh and said. “Maybe I shouldn’t have hit him but I didn’t really approve of him teasing Quan like that after he’d asked him to stop.”
    “Kisha, all he said was that Quan was a mama’s boy because he took your side instead of mines. Where is the harm in that? If I had felt like he was being mean to him I would’ve told him to stop.” I let out a frustrated breath. “My thing is that we were all having a nice time and then that happened and ruined everything. All you had to do was ask him to stop. That’s it.”
    “Alright, I see your point. I guess I did over react a little but you know Quan is the more sensitive one so I am a little more protective over him.”
    I shook my head. “Well he is going to have to get out of that sensitive mess and toughen up! What he gone come home crying to you every time someone says something to him that he doesn’t like?” I asked her but didn’t wait for an answer. “I am raising little men not princesses!”
    “Bae, he is only seven!”
    “I am aware of that but he still isn’t about to be around here crying and whining all the time! You

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