Seven Day Fiance: A Love and Games Novel (Entangled Bliss)

Read Online Seven Day Fiance: A Love and Games Novel (Entangled Bliss) by Rachel Harris - Free Book Online

Book: Seven Day Fiance: A Love and Games Novel (Entangled Bliss) by Rachel Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Harris
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, entangled publishing, Bliss, love and games, rachel harris
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writhing under him.
    Holy hot flash! Angie released a breath, fanning the air up in the hopes of cooling herself down. Sherry laughed and stuffed another outfit into her suitcase, this one black leather.
    Cane Robicheaux was dangerous. If town gossip were to be believed, he had more experience than Hugh Hefner and would no doubt rock her innocent world. But he did bring the passion and excitement. Her gaze shifted to the remaining scrap of silk on the bed. Maybe giving in to their attraction—just a little… a few hot kisses, perhaps a bit of exploration — could be a good thing. She could check “experience real passion” off her to-do list and help the two of them appear more smitten for her hometown in the process. After all, engaged couples do make out. When her brother Troy got engaged, he and Eva could barely keep their hands off each other. Angelle would be a couillon— a complete idiot—if she didn’t go into this week remembering that. Not to mention it’d be a giant red flag for her folks.
    So, if Angie did decide to throw caution to the wind and take a chance—again, just a tiny, itty-bitty chance—it would be for the good of the ruse. Taking one for the team. For strictly professional purposes.
    Angelle bit the corner of her lip and met Sherry’s knowing gaze. “Give me the purple one, too.” Just in case.

Chapter Five
    Just over two hours. That’s how long the trip from Magnolia Springs to Bon Terre was. Cane hated being still for two minutes , and sitting inside a truck for that long was practically torture. That’s why he had bought his bike. Riding demanded his total attention, complete immersion. With the wind hitting his face, the energy of the engine ripping through his body, and his synapses firing to stay alert, Cane felt alive. Free. Unconstrained.
    But damn if driving with Angelle tucked beside him, the sweet scent of sunflowers filling the cab, didn’t make him feel alive, too. And turned on. This plan of his better work. So far, close proximity only served to heighten his desire, and it was beginning to grate on his nerves. Tightening his grip on the steering wheel, he asked, “Anything I should know before we get there?”
    Angelle startled. Cane realized it’d been quiet, with not even the radio playing, for going on ten minutes. Apparently, they’d both been lost in their own thoughts. And from the way she’d jumped at the sound of his voice, he’d like to know what hers involved.
    With a nervous laugh, Angelle glanced over, dropped her gaze to his mouth, and then quickly looked away. Interesting. “Well, yeah.” Then she frowned. “A whole lot of stuff, actually. If you’re my fiancé, you should probably know everything there is to know about me. And I should know about you, too.”
    The smooth skin between her eyes furrowed as she nibbled on her bottom lip—an expression Cane had seen far too often over the last five months. It meant she was worried, nervous, maybe even scared, and for once, he could understand why.
    “Don’t worry about it, angel. We’ll figure it out.” He sent her a confident smile, hoping he was right. Spending the holiday with this charade blowing up in his face was something he’d really rather avoid. “We have two-plus hours to get a crash course in each other. Plenty of time to hit the highlights.”
    Angelle nodded distractedly, clearly unconvinced, and began tapping a rhythm on her lap. Cane knew a thing or two about nervous habits, so he placed his hand over hers to calm her down—and caught her shiver from the corner of his eye. The tapping stopped, and he bit back a smile.
    Now unable to help himself, knowing his touch affected her, Cane encircled the slender bones of her wrist with his thumb and finger. Angelle was tough, but she was also much more delicate than any woman he’d ever known. So feminine and vulnerable. The contradictory mix fascinated him. It brought out every protective instinct he had, and attracted him like

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