Seven Day Fiance: A Love and Games Novel (Entangled Bliss)

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Book: Seven Day Fiance: A Love and Games Novel (Entangled Bliss) by Rachel Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Harris
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, entangled publishing, Bliss, love and games, rachel harris
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was new for her, like he was the first man to make her feel like this. Pride and satisfaction coursed through his veins. He bit and then licked the underside of her jaw, and a deep moan broke free from her throat. And that released the hellcat.
    Suddenly slapping his hands out of the way, Angelle knotted her fingers in his hair. Cane chuckled as she tugged roughly on the ends, impatiently yanking him closer and herself higher. Placing his hands around her slim waist, he slid across the seat and tugged her onto his lap. She settled a leg on either side of his hips and they shared a hiss.
    “Good Lord.” Her voice came out a slur, almost dazed, and only a sliver of green peeked from beneath her thick fringe of eyelashes. But it was enough to see she was as into what was happening as he was. “So this is what it feels like.”
    “What what feels like?” he asked, molding her curves with both hands. God, she was perfect. He had to keep reminding himself that their first time could not be at an overgrown rest stop on the side of the interstate in broad daylight.
    Now, a motel room right off the interstate…
    But as soon as that thought entered his mind, he felt it. A shift in the air. Angelle’s loose limbs tensed. Her spine straightened and her eyes widened. Dropping her gaze to his chest, she answered, “Kissing the mighty Cane Robicheaux, of course.”
    Placing her hands on his shoulders, she pushed herself off his lap. Cane sat there a moment, stunned.
    What just happened?
    This woman ran fire hot and ice cold. He rubbed a hand over his face, trying like hell to catch up. And telling his libido to slow the hell down. Sliding his hand to the back of his neck, he squeezed the muscles and watched as she lowered the visor and began smoothing the lines of her smudged lipstick, the hellcat officially back in its cage. “Everything all right there, angel?”
    “Peachy.” Angelle fluffed her hair then snapped the visor back in place, smiling at the windshield. Avoiding eye contact. “But we should be getting on our way. Knowing Mama, she has a huge spread prepared, and trust me, we don’t want to be late.”
    Glancing at the clock, Cane figured she was right. By the time they got to Bon Terre, it’d be after one. He had a hunch showing up late wouldn’t make the best impression—but he’d be damned if this truck was going anywhere until he got a good look at those eyes. He needed to see what in the hell was happening in that gorgeous head of hers before they budged an inch.
    “I don’t know,” he drawled, stretching out his long legs as much as the cramped cab would allow. He leaned his head back and shrugged. “I thought we’d make a stop at the Harley store in Scott first. I’m starved and I hear they have a few good places to get cracklins around there, too. I was thinking we’d look around a bit.”
    Angelle’s head whipped around so fast it would’ve been comical, had he not been preoccupied with the hidden secrets in her eyes. “Are you serious?”
    “No,” he answered, searching her face. Confusion faded, leaving behind wariness, embarrassment, guilt, and even a shade of desperation swirling in the green depths. Whatever made Angelle shut down a moment ago was big. Important to her. And it didn’t have shit to do with her mama’s planned lunch.
    Cane wanted to pry. He wanted to make her tell him what had spooked her so badly. But he couldn’t. Obviously, he’d pushed too far, made some mistake, and he didn’t want to do it again. If he wanted Angelle comfortable around him, then he couldn’t force her. She had to come to him, open up to him, on her terms.
    Scooting back behind the wheel, he buckled up, knowing she was still watching him. He shot her a grin he didn’t feel. “Just messing with ya, sweetheart.” She released a breath and settled back in her seat, reattaching her seat belt. Cane shifted into gear. Reversing from the spot that would be forever etched in his memory, he said,

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