Sensual Danger

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Book: Sensual Danger by Tina Folsom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Folsom
Tags: Romance
into his body. Her arms wrapped around him, clinging to him as if she was afraid he’d drop her. Little did she know there was no way in hell he’d allow her to escape from his embrace tonight. Not until they were both thoroughly sated. And even then, he wouldn’t let go of her.
    Her breath still tasted of the toothpowder she must have used earlier, and her lips were warm and receptive to his demanding kiss. He’d been prepared to send her away, but when she’d exposed her luscious breasts to him, he’d known instinctively that he would never be able to send her away, no matter what happened—even if she found the actual sex act painful and distasteful. Even if she cried because of it. Because to have a wife with a body as sinful as that of the most experienced courtesan, yet live separate lives would be unthinkable. He’d be a fool to let her go.
    It left him with only one option: he would have to make sure she felt neither pain nor disgust tonight. He would have to be a patient lover and be more considerate than he’d ever been. He had to forget his own pleasure and only think of hers. Only then did he have a chance.

    Determined to do this right, Nico carried her to the bed and placed her on the coverlet. Without undressing, he joined Oriana on the bed, not covering her with his body, but simply lying next to her with his body turned toward her.
    As she looked up at him, her eyelashes fluttered. He watched her bosom rising and falling.
    “So beautiful,” he whispered, kissing her already-bruised lips again, then let his hand find her breasts again, kneading and squeezing the responsive flesh.
    Her torso arched off the mattress, and her eyes fell shut when more sighs escaped her lips. Without haste, he moved his hand lower to where her negligee had bunched at her waist. He traveled over it until he reached the apex of her thighs. When he rubbed softly against that precious spot, Oriana bucked against him, moaning as he released her lips.
    “Oh, yes, my sweet wife, tonight you’ll feel me here. Inside your wet cave.” He pressed against her mound, cupping her, feeling the heat that emanated from her. As if a furnace were burning inside her. If they weren’t careful tonight, the house would burst into flames and they would find themselves in midst of a fire that would consume them both.
    When he released her sex, a disappointed mewl came from her. He suppressed a chuckle. His virginal wife was quickly developing a knowledge of what her body wanted. He was glad for it, and more than willing to comply. But this time skin-on-skin.
    Nico tunneled underneath the fabric, reaching first the thatch of coarse hair, then dipping lower to where her arousal made her flesh slick. Without further coaxing, she spread her thighs wider, allowing his hand to dip between them.
    He coated his fingers in her juices, stroking softly over the plump flesh that was begging him for a touch. With slow circular strokes, he explored her womanly folds, parting them to dip lower. He watched her face for her reaction. This morning, he’d had his face buried in her cunny and had been unable to watch her face, but this time he would make sure he found out immediately if there was something she didn’t enjoy. He was determined to do everything right.
    Keeping his touch gentle, careful not to be too rough, his eyes wandered over her flushed face. Her skin glistened, and beads of sweat formed on her neck and forehead. He’d never seen a lady sweat—plenty of whores, yes, but not a well-bred woman. It was frowned upon in polite society, yet Nico decided that it was becoming of her. In fact, Oriana looked positively ravishing—no, more than that, positively wanton—the way a thin sheen of moisture built on her skin.
    He wondered what it would be like once she rode him. Her petite body would be aflame, and their bodies would glide against each other smoothly, helped by the moisture that was building on their skin. But not only

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