Seeking Evil (Looking Into The Mind Of A Killer Series)

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Book: Seeking Evil (Looking Into The Mind Of A Killer Series) by Mary Eason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Eason
    Rock Creek Killer Returns. Did Feds Put The Wrong Man In Jail For The Wrong Reasons?
    He picked it up and handed it to Rick. “ Not anymore. ”
    “ Dammit ,” Rick whispered under his breath. “ This isn ’ t good. ”
    The door opened and Frank Daniels stood in the doorway.
    “ Yes? ” It took him a second longer to recognize John. “ Agent Delaney. ” It occurred to John that the older man wasn't surprised to see him .
    “ Come inside. I ’ ve been expecting you. ” Frank Daniels opened the door and waved them inside.
    John waited until they ’ d taken the proffered seats on the living room sofa before beginning. “ I need to ask you some questions about Janice ’ s life. ” He ’ d racked his brain trying to think of some common denominator between the victims. He ’ d come up empty.
    “ So is it true then ?” The old man had aged ten years since John ha d last spoken to him.
    “ Yes. We believe so. ”
    “ How it that possible, Agent Delaney ? You assured us you had Janice ’ s killer. ”
    John wondered where the man ’ s wife might be. “ I know. We were certain of it. But in the light of this new evidence, the two new cases and some other information, well, we now believe George Peterson is not the man responsible for Janice ’ s death or the others. He is, however, still guilty of killing a federal agent. ”
    “ And that ’ s the real reason why the case ended so abruptly, isn ’ t it. Because Peterson killed one of yours, the Bureau was eager to put an end to the whole thing. Sweep it under the rug. ”
    John couldn ’ t blame the man for being angry. “ That ’ s not what happened. My partner believed the evidence gathered against Peterson was enough to prove he was the Rock Creek k iller. ”
    Frank Daniels wasn ’ t impressed with John ’ s passionate plea. “ And now we know the truth. ”
    “ Yes, I guess we do. ”
    “ And you ’ ve come to me, for what? To dig into my daughter ’ s life some more. Try to find some dirt on her? ”
    “ No sir. That ’ s not the case at all. I ’ m just hoping that you or your wife might remember something new. Something that didn ’ t occur to you at the time. Something that might help us connect the cases. ”
    “ My wife can ’ t help you. You see she passed away six month s ago. She finally gave up. ”
    John could see the depth of the man ’ s pain in his eyes. “ I ’ m sorry…I didn ’ t know. ”
    The old man simply nodded. “ So what do you need from me? ”
    If only John knew the answer. He had no idea what to ask. It occurred to him the old man ’ s description of his wife ’ s death was odd. “ What did you mean she finally gave up ?”
    The question clearly surprised Frank Daniels. “ My wife ’ s health had been failing for years. She finally gave up. ”
    “ Was it… ” How was the best way to ask the man how his wife had passed?
    “ Her kidneys, the doctors tell me, among other things. They finally gave out on her. ”
    John glanced over at Rick. His partner , who had been busily scribbling notes , glanced up at the latest piece of information. “Your wife had kidney problems? Did your daughter suffer from the same illness? ”
    Rick ’ s question didn’t add up to John. It was even more perplexing for the old man. “ Yes, to a much greater extent. How did you know?"
    "Just a hunch, I guess." Rick told him.
    Daniels accepted his answer without questioning it. " Janice had to have a kidney transplant when she was twelve. Since that time, well, she was able to live a normal life for the most part, with the exception of having to take daily medication. A small price to pay for being whole again. ”
    He knew what Rick was thinking. “ Can you think of anything else that might seem out of the ordinary? Anything at all ,” h is partner asked.
    The old man took a moment to consider the question. “ Janice was getting married in eight months. But then you knew that. ”
    John nodded. They ’ d

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