Scandal: His Majesty's Love-Child

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Book: Scandal: His Majesty's Love-Child by Annie West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie West
in his neck. It mirrored hers.
    Did he feel like this? All warm and jittery and lax? Trembling and dazed and hungry for more?
    If anything he looked more in control than ever. His face was as still as a wooden mask. His body rigid but for the rapid rise and fall of his chest.
    ‘Tahir?’ She slid a hand from his shoulder up the side of his neck, cupping hot skin. Pleasure skittered through her at that simple contact.
    His eyes flickered shut and he bit back a sound that could have been a groan. Instantly she was alert.
    ‘Did I hurt you? Are you in pain?’ What had she done? Her hands skimmed the back of his skull, his temple, then down over his wide shoulders. ‘Where does it hurt?’
    Suddenly she found both hands clasped together in his. Still he didn’t open his eyes.
    His head was thrown back and she watched the long burnished column of his throat as he swallowed hard.
    ‘Tahir!’ Panic edged her voice. ‘What’s wrong?’
    His lips quirked up in the half-smile that always melted her insides. A long crease furrowed his cheek. She wanted to press her lips against it and taste his skin.
    ‘Nothing’s wrong, little one.’ He looked at her now and his expression held her immobile. Her breath jammed in her throat. ‘You didn’t answer. Is that what you wanted?’
    Jerkily she nodded, eyes fixed on his.
    ‘Say it, Annalisa.’ His voice was harsh, but somehow she knew it wasn’t anger or disgust that roughened his words. It was the same ribbon of excitement that threaded her body, drawing each muscle and sinew tight.
    ‘I want you to kiss me,’ she whispered, spellbound by what she saw in his eyes.
    ‘Is that all?’ He leaned forward and she felt his words, small puffs of breath on her ear. She shuddered and his hands firmed around hers. Surprised, she realised they were unsteady. ‘What else do you want?’
    ‘I…’ How could he ask questions? She didn’t want to think and talk. Just wanted to feel.
    ‘Is it this?’
    Long fingers brushed the bare skin of her neck, trailing down to the V of her shirt.
    Her breath snagged as she willed him to continue. Was that a flicker in his darkening gaze?
    Finally his hand slid down, skimming the fabric of her shirt till his palm warmed her breast. She almost cried with frustration as he stood, watching her, almost, almost touching her as she wanted, needed to be touched.
    It rose in her like a tide—a yearning she didn’t fully understand, a craving for more, much more.
    Annalisa pushed forward into his waiting palm.
    His hand closed convulsively around her. It was bliss. It was more than she’d thought possible. Her breath sighed out as he rubbed his thumb over her burgeoning nipple.
    Instantly heat jolted through her, right down to her belly. Lower. Where it felt as if she melted.
    ‘Please, Tahir.’
    He shook his head, a single jerky movement. ‘You need to tell me.’ His voice was raw and uneven, as if he held on to control by a thread. ‘You want me to touch you like this?’ His palm circled and pressed and her knees gave way.
    Abruptly his hands closed on her arms, tight enough to hold her steady.
    ‘Annalisa.’ Just the sound of him saying her name was too much pleasure to bear. ‘We should stop now.’
    ‘No!’ She wrenched herself from his hold and plastered herself against his tall frame, no thought now of shyness or distance.
    ‘I don’t want to stop. I want…everything, Tahir.’ She drew a shuddering breath and forced herself to think of the words, not just the sensations. ‘I need you. Please.’

    T HE words were barely out when strong arms brought her down on the bed. Tahir’s lips met hers as he peeled her clothes away.
    The heat of his body against hers and the fervour of his kisses incited a heady recklessness that didn’t allow second thoughts.
    Annalisa wanted him so urgently; her need was overwhelming. She shuddered with the force of it as she helped him with clumsy fingers.
    Then cool air caressed her skin.

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