Saved by the Blizzard: A romantic winter thriller (Tellure Hollow Book 2)

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Book: Saved by the Blizzard: A romantic winter thriller (Tellure Hollow Book 2) by Adele Huxley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adele Huxley
Tags: A winter thriller romance
When it looked like my career wasn’t going to hit the big leagues, she’d decided to cash in on the tragedy in any way she could. Interviews, articles... Playboy was the real launching point of her D-list popularity.
    Rick finally looked at me with a modicum of respect. At least he knew I wasn’t bullshitting him anymore, but gaining respect from a guy like that left me feeling filthy.
    “Yeah, well, looks aren’t everything.”
    “Yo, you still got her number? That spread was smokin’ hot. She had the sweetest little pussy—”
    “No,” I snapped. I hated even thinking about that blonde vampire. I steadied myself and plastered on another smile. “I don’t need it, remember? I’ve got Liz’s.”
    That shut him up, bringing him back to the point we were originally circling. “So what, you’re loaded or something?”
    “You could say that. Between my career and the accident, I have a fair amount in the bank.” Money and power...
    He took a couple steps towards me, the image clearing in his mind. “Let’s just put this all out there, make sure we’re speaking the same language. You’re saying you want to buy Beth’s virginity from me?” he said incredulously, as if he hadn’t done the very same thing to her.
    “That’s right,” I nodded, the words tasting bitter. The deeper into this persona, this amplified asshole version of myself, the easier it became. “Are you deaf? I told you I already took it. Early Christmas present, remember? See it as a way to recoup your losses, move on to the next naive girl that doesn’t see you for the shit head you are.”
    Rick’s dark eyes darted back and forth between mine as he considered the offer. “Half a million.”
    “Fuck off,” I spat. “I know what you gave her.”
    His eyebrow twitched. “You know what she says I gave her. She’s got a tight little ass, but don’t let that fool you,” he said conversationally, like we were suddenly friends and he was offering me advice. “Whatever she says I paid her, add a couple hundred thousand on top and you’re getting closer to the real number.”
    “I’m not sure you understand the concept of depreciation. You don’t get to ask for more when the value is gone.”
    He turned to face me, the friendly guise slipping. “I get to ask for more when I’m the one in control. Half a million dollars.”
    “Three hundred.”
    A wicked smile spread across his face but his eyes didn’t move from mine. For the briefest moment, I’d thought I’d won. When I heard Liz’s voice behind me, my world came to a screeching halt.
    “You have got to be kidding me,” Liz said. I turned to see her standing with Kayla. I had no idea how long she’d been there, but apparently long enough. She looked at me with tears in her eyes but gestured for me to continue. “Oh please, keep bargaining. Let’s see how low you can get him. Quick question, though. When you’re finished, do I just lay down and spread my legs here?” She motioned to the ground at her feet.
    Kayla looked at her in confusion. “What are they talking about,” but Liz waved her off.
    “No, seriously, carry on.”
    “No, that’s what not what I meant. You don’t understand—” I started to say. An icy dread seeped into my heart.
    “I know what I heard. Like I’m some type of commodity you two can pass around?” She shot me the same disgusted look she gave him. Of all the horrible times for her to come back...
    “Liz, please,” I begged. I had to make her understand what I’d been trying to do, that I’d been doing it for her, for the future.
    She thrust her finger out to Rick but glared at me. “Say what you want about him, but he was always upfront with me. He’s never pretended to be anything he isn’t. He might be a raging prick, but at least he’s an honest one.”
    “Thanks, babe,” Rick laughed. He looked like a kid at Christmas, the glee on his face visible.
    She switched her index finger for her middle one, but her eyes

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