Saved by the Blizzard: A romantic winter thriller (Tellure Hollow Book 2)

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Book: Saved by the Blizzard: A romantic winter thriller (Tellure Hollow Book 2) by Adele Huxley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adele Huxley
Tags: A winter thriller romance
locked on me. “I trusted you. I trusted you more than anyone else.” Her lower lip quivered with anger. I needed to hold her, to explain what I’d been doing, so I took a step forward. She jumped back, almost knocking Kayla over in her urgency to escape. “Don’t you dare come near me.”
    “I trust you, too. I’ve been more open with you than anyone—”
    “Not open enough. I’m done with good intentions,” she said with a shake of her head. “I’m done.” She walked away, stopping after only a few short steps. She turned and looked over her shoulder. “And by the way, just so you know, I’m still a virgin. At this rate, I will be for the rest of my life,” she glared at Rick, sparing me only a glance. “Fuckers.”
    Rick stepped back and leaned against the wall of the utility shed, laughing to himself. “Looks like you screwed up, boy. Screwed up real good.”
    I looked at him for a moment, considering the chance to wear out my pent-up rage on his face. No cops, no guns, just my fists pounding some sense into him.
    He raised an eyebrow, as if he could read my thoughts. Crossing his arms, he smirked. “Let’s make it three-fifty and you have yourself a deal.”
    If it weren’t for all those potential witnesses standing around, I just might have killed him then and there.

“I knew I shouldn’t have come,” I grumbled. I took a makeup remover cloth from my bathroom drawer and wiped my eyes clean. There was no way to salvage my makeup, so I chose to start fresh. Plus, it’d give me a chance to splash cold water on my face and cool my blotchy skin. I’d always been an ugly crier.
    “Don’t start,” Kayla said with a huff. She pushed herself up on the bathroom counter beside the sink and handed me another tissue. “You didn’t seriously think you’d solve everything in one five minute conversation, did you?”
    I glanced at her and scowled at my reflection. “I didn’t expect him to be such a...”
    “Rick?” Kayla laughed. “I don’t know what the hell is going on between you two, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find some type of solution.” My hand paused mid-wipe. Should I tell her? Maybe if she knew exactly what was at stake, she’d be able to give me some advice I could actually use. Bryan was good and all, but she actually knew Rick.
    “Maybe,” I replied. My silence implied I was leaving a lot unsaid. I plunged my hands under the cold faucet and splashed the water against my face, running through the conversation I’d just had with him.
    I had tried, I really had. Letting him get under my skin wasn’t going to do any good for anybody. So, I’d offered to give him back the money. He counteroffered by saying he wouldn’t beat me if I let him record my first time. As calmly as I could, I told him if he raised a hand to me, I’d kill him in his sleep. Rick had apparently found that amusing and implied I should keep a better eye on my drinks from then on, so I threw my beer at his head. It wasn’t any one thing he’d said or done. Simply being in his presence was enough to make me lose my shit. As I’d walked up the hill to the cabin, I realized making peace with him was going to be close to impossible. Unless I found a way in...
    Toweling off my face and cringing at the blotchy, red skin I saw in the mirror, I considered Kayla for a moment. Can I trust you? I thought.
    “He’s never told you?” I began slowly.
    “Told me what?” she replied with a practiced innocent blink.
    Was she really ignorant or just playing me? “I’m sure if you knew, you would’ve said something about it by now...Kay, I...” There was something in her expression that made me hesitate, something hungry. She lived off alcohol, drama, Diet Coke, and gossip. I decided to test her, give her some of the truth and see what she did with it. “Rick loaned me money a while back.”
    “Aw babe, and he wants you to pay him back?” she replied with a sympathetic pout. “How much? I have some

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