Saved by the Blizzard: A romantic winter thriller (Tellure Hollow Book 2)

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Book: Saved by the Blizzard: A romantic winter thriller (Tellure Hollow Book 2) by Adele Huxley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adele Huxley
Tags: A winter thriller romance
head. “Threatening bodily harm with all these people around. What would Officer Dylan have to say about that?” I turned to face him, lifting my chin and meeting his gaze dead on. “I know all about the...arrangement you made with Liz. Can’t say as though I approve, but I’m not going to tell a man what to do with his money. But now that the investment has been spoiled...” Rick’s teeth audibly gnashed together as he grabbed a fistful of the front of my jacket. I didn’t flinch. “Hey now, I’m in the position to compensate—no, reimburse you.”
    “The hell are you talking about? You can’t unring that bell and so help me, if you rang her bell...” His fist tightened, pulling the collar closer to my chin.
    Morgan let out a loud cheer. I glanced towards the pond to see her jumping around with a hockey stick thrust in the air, celebrating a goal she’d made with a crumpled beer can. Rick was also distracted by the sound, the break in eye contact just enough to weaken his grip. I knocked his hand away and took a step back.
    “If you’re interested in actually talking numbers...” I said, gesturing to the back side of the shed. “I’d prefer if this weren’t done in public. The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth as it is. I have a reputation to uphold.” I hated how easily this shit was pouring from my mouth, almost as if someone else inside me were using my voice. It was working so I decided not to fight it.
    He took a step towards me in anger, fist balled at his hip, but paused. Ah money, that’s what really makes this guy tick, huh? I thought. Money and control, but mostly money. He loosened his fist as he scratched at the stubble on his cheek and chuckled. His dark eyes remained constant on mine. “Something tells me you’re full of shit but I’ll hear you out.”
    It was a risk dipping further into the shadows with him. No risk, no gain , my dad’s voice said in the back of my mind, though I doubt my dad ever had this particular scenario in mind. I’d broken through and exposed Rick’s soft spots. Now, I had to find a way to summon the worst of The Blizzard and strike a bargain.
    I crossed my arms and swallowed the bile rising in my throat. The only time I’ve spoken about the accident was in the safety of my therapist’s office. I hadn’t been able to bring it up to Liz, someone who I could see myself seriously falling for. Now, I was about to lay it out to this creep. All for her , I reminded myself. We stood with our backs to the shed, facing the fire.
    “So you say you know who I am?” I began, my tone filled with arrogance.
    He shrugged. “Noah said you did some skiing. So what? Everyone out here skis. You’re a big fish in a little pond.”
    My laugh was genuine. Leave it to Noah to undersell my skills. “Little pond, eh? I was a fucking Olympian,” I lied. Half-truths were coming a lot easier and besides, I’d been close enough. One bad turn was all that had stood between me and that title. I shook my head. “If you knew who I was, you’d think differently.”
    “Enlighten me.”
    “Do you remember a couple years ago a professional skier got into an accident? Made the news for months—”
    The light went off in his head. His eyes glimmered and he shot a finger at me. “Ah! That’s where I know you from! You’re the Blizzard. Shit man, yeah, I do remember that.” I tried to nod confidently, though I’m not sure I was able to pull it off. “I thought you were supposed to be this heartthrob or something. You look like shit.”
    “Thanks,” I said with a glare. “You aren’t looking too pretty yourself.”
    Rick clicked his tongue and grinned. “I even remember the spread your girl did in Playboy . Hot little thing you had there.”
    I should’ve been prepared for him to throw that back in my face. I gritted my teeth as the images flashed through my mind. Turns out, whatever I was to Angela at one point, towards the end I primarily became her path to fame.

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