Safeword: Matte

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Book: Safeword: Matte by Candace Blevins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Blevins
section of the yard we'll remain in. You can think of it as a cage, if you like. Then I'm going to fuck you, hard and fast and without any more prep. When I'm done fucking you, I'm going to string you up on the screened in porch and flog you until my shoulders and arms are too tired to do it any longer, and then I'll probably fuck you again while you're restrained in a standing position. Once we've lined out the boundaries in the yard, feel free to fight me to keep me from doing those things to you.”
    All four cuffs were on her now, the leather surprisingly lightweight. Each had a small lightweight metal hinged ring – probably aluminum from the feel of it. Not something she could use as a weapon.
    He continued speaking. “This cabin sits in the middle of four acres of woods. I've never seen anyone here who wasn't invited. It's almost dark outside, and there’s a storm coming. No one will be walking in the woods. The grass is soft. I'm fine barefoot, but you’re welcome to wear your sport sandals if you wish.”
    He stood up and walked to the nightstand to get a few condoms, then walked out of the room, leaving her in the bed. She decided to take him up on the offer of shoes; she was a tenderfoot and besides, the shoes would give her something more to kick with. She'd seen Tom hit Ethan full force and he took it, which meant she could truly fight him, all out. This wasn't going to be a spar, this was going to be a fight to a simulated rape, and he was going to unmercifully fuck her with his wicked cock if she lost. When she lost.
    She put her shoes on, used the bathroom again, pulled her hair into a ponytail and then pulled it in on itself to shorten it, and went outside.
    He had a spray can, painting the grass white in a large circle, an area with no trees or other obstructions. “This is chalk paint; it’ll wash away when it rains, but it’s not raining yet.”
    He stood as he finished the wobbly circle. He had his serious look again.
    “Some ground rules. The goal is for me to fuck you. I’ll try it without resorting to the cuffs, but realistically, with the need for a condom, the cuffs are probably going to be needed. My goal is to not hurt you worse than would be acceptable in a workout spar. That's the handicap, and it's why the cuffs have to be an option. You don’t have to pull your punches. I’ve seen you spar, and you weren’t hitting full force. You can hit me full force, fight me as if you’re fighting a rapist. I can take it, and you know I can. If you hurt me worse than I'd be hurt in a spar then congrats. I’d like to request there be no groin or kidney strikes, or kicks to the knees from the front or side – those are the only concessions I'm asking for. If you can manage a flying kick to the head then feel free. Any questions?”
    There was a white stripe of tape going around his forearm. “What's on your arm?”
    “First aid tape holding a condom onto my arm so it’ll be handy when I need it. I should probably call that off limits too – leave it in place, don't get rid of it on purpose.”
    She nodded and said, “I think we need to acknowledge we both have a safeword. I'm not going to fight you at this level unless I know you can stop the action with a word as well.”
    He nodded. “Fair enough, we'll both use matte , then. Matte makes everything stop, no matter who says it.”
    “I'm sore. I'm not sure I can handle you again so soon.”
    He gave a half smile and said, “Consider it as incentive to hold me off as long as possible. I'm claiming you tonight, Samantha. I want it to hurt; I want you to know you belong to me as much as I belong to you. Most of all I want you to know I've earned the title of the man who owns you.” He waited a beat and said, “Trust me to know the difference in a good hurt and a bad hurt. It's not my intention to hurt you in a bad way.”
    She grinned at him, knowing it would work out just fine, though she'd needed the assurance from him. “If you think

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