Safeword: Matte

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Book: Safeword: Matte by Candace Blevins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Blevins
muscles clamping down on him for all they were worth. He was so big. She thought she had adjusted to accommodate his size, but realized that wasn't the case when she was orgasming around him, her muscles wanting to contract around his cock, but his cock not allowing them any room to move. She screamed at the sensations, trying to breathe, and they locked eyes once again, her orgasm draining out of her into his cock, her soul locked onto his through their eyes. He pulled out a few inches and said, “Roll on over with your upper body, the goal is to end up on knees and elbows.”
    He moved the leg on his shoulder down the side of his body and before she knew it, she was as he'd said, on knees and elbows with half of his cock still in her pussy. She felt his hand on her lower back, “Very good, now put your arms out to your side, palms down, pull your chest towards your knees, arch your back. Beautiful.”
    He started the slow drive back into her, but this time she couldn't see into his eyes, could only feel his cock in her pussy, constant pressure pushing him ever so slowly back into her. Just as she felt him at her cervix he self-corrected and began to aim downwards more, still going slowly. Then without warning, he put his hands on the small of her waist, above her hips, and used the leverage to push all the way into her. Once there, he moved his hands to the bed beside her face and pulled farther out than he'd pulled yet, then pushed all the way home again.
    “You good with that?”
    His voice sounded ragged, like he was barely holding onto his control. She was good with this, very good, so she said, “Yes, much more and I'll need to come again.” Her voice sounded pretty ragged, too.
    “You can come when you want, but try to hold off until I'm coming. If you need me to stop use your safeword, Samantha.”
    He began pounding her with his massive cock, those strong legs plunging into her and then ripping it out only to shove himself back into her again. He'd spent so much time making sure she was ready for him, and now she was just a vessel being used to get him off, like an animal rutting without thought for the other animal.
    “I'm going to... Oh, God.” She heard her screams, none of them a complete scream, just a long string of staccato noises as her body spasmed around his cock. Ethan lost his rhythm, pounding into her with no tempo a dozen times and he let out a primal yell and went in and stayed, his cock a pulsing monster inside of her as he filled the condom.
    He pulled out and staggered to the bathroom. She heard the sink for a brief moment and then he came back with a washcloth and wiped her down, cleaning her up gently, checking her over.
    “I'm good, Ethan.”
    He looked up. “Scene's not over, Samantha.”
    Oh. Well, who would have thought she could get horny again so soon? But that did it. “Sorry, Sir. How will I know when it's over?”
    “I'll tell you. Or we'll agree to a time before hand. Most of the time, if I'm still paying attention to you sexually you can assume I'm still in Dom mode. Sexual submissive. Sexual Dom. Right?”
    “I.” She stopped, started again. “Okay. That makes sense, Sir. I think we need more conversation about it, but now's not the time.”
    “Noted. I have a very good idea of where your cervix is and how I can avoid hitting it. If you say the word c ervix while we’re having sex, it can act as a kind of safeword between us so I know I need to change angles or positions or something. It is not my intention to hurt you that way – I could tell the difference in the kinds of pain by the tone of your voice and the way you were breathing, but if I miss it feel free to scream out c ervix to get my attention.”
    He reached towards a nightstand and pulled out four leather cuffs and began securing one of them on her right wrist.
    “These have connections so I can connect them to each other if I need to. Once I have them on you, we’re going to go outside and mark off a

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