
Read Online Soul(s) by Vera West - Free Book Online

Book: Soul(s) by Vera West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vera West
Tags: Romance, SciFi, Dystopian, suspense action, scifi action adventure, dimension crossing
the last piece
of our garb. The breathers were like thick twigs with a rectangle
part for you to bite down on as you held it in your mouth.
    We left the little side cave and went back
to the pool. Keegan sat on the edge dipping his legs in. He
outstretched his arm to me and I joined him.
    “ Ready?” he
    I nodded excitedly. Placing the breathers in
our mouths, we slipped off the edge and straight down into the
    The water was cool but not cold. I felt
revitalized as soon as I was fully submerged. I bit down hard on
the breather afraid it would drop out. I felt so free and swam
easily downward.
    Where should we go
first? Keegan thought to me.
    Startled bubbles floated out of my nose.
    We can communicate
underwater, I realized excitedly. Where to? Keegan thought
back swimming in seal like circles around me.
    I’ll follow you.
    Then come this way little
mermaid, he answered back as he moved away
from me.
    We swam deep down and then plateaued across
the pool floor. There was an underwater opening at the bottom
against a wall. Once inside it, the cave opened up to an underwater
foyer of other caves. The walls were lit by emerald and blue lights
creating a shimmering northern lights effect. Exhilarated by the
atmosphere I swam faster shooting past Keegan and dipping into one
of the cave entrances.
    Once inside, the tunnel arched, curving as
it turned upwards. I kept swimming upwards until my head broke the
surface and air prickled against my face. There was a ledge a few
feet away, just big enough for two people to lie on and I swam to
it. I tried to pull myself up but with the flippers on I couldn’t
get that great of a grip and slipped back down in the water.
    I felt movement beside me. Keegan’s head
popped up out of the water. I turned around as he swam towards me.
His hands trail up my thighs stopping just below my butt. He
gripped me, lifting me upwards out of the water. I scooted back on
to the ridge. Taking the breather out, I slipped it carefully into
my suite.
    “ Thanks,” I told Keegan as
he easily propelled himself up next to me.
    “ Anytime,” he replied
back. “Look at the ceiling, this place is amazing.”
    I cranked my head up. The rocked ceiling
looked like it went on endlessly. At the very top there were dots
that glittered like night-time stars.
    “ I love it here,” I
    “ I’d feel safe saying this
isn’t a bad first date.”
    I turned my eyes away from the stars and on
to him. “If this were First-Plane I’d say, you’re crushing on me
pretty hard.”
    He’d been pulling off his webbed gloves
while we’d talked and he smirking as he reached over to help me out
of mine.
    “ It’s not a crush,” he
    “ What is it then?” I
    Not answering me, he leaned over close. His
eyes stalking my lips, as he dragged his thumb slowly across them.
I felt myself unconsciously leaning into his touch.
    “ Is it lust?” I asked,
pushing for an answer.
    “ Partially,” he breathed
into the nape of my neck, his thumb now trailing down the opposite
side. His lips began kneading kisses beneath my chin and down the
skin of my throat.
    I scooted closer to him and he pulled his
head back catching my mouth with his. Soft at first, then
    I needed more; my lips parted for him and he
took everything I offered. A light groaned escaped from him as he
pulled me fully into a straddle on his lap. The feeling of him
beneath made my heart pulse in my chest. My hips move on their own
accord against him. He gave a throaty approving growl at my
movement and tipped me head back so he could hungrily mark my neck
with his lips.
    I could take you right
here, he thought feverishly to
    Take me then, I consented.
    Not yet, he thought.
    Right here, right now!
    My hands entrenched in his short curly hair
and I pulled his mouth savagely down on mine egging him on. My
response surprised me, but I shoved my emotion aside.
    But Keegan kept control, slowing the pace

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