Rose, Charlotte - Bayou Flood [The Shifters of Alligator Bend 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Read Online Rose, Charlotte - Bayou Flood [The Shifters of Alligator Bend 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Charlotte Rose - Free Book Online

Book: Rose, Charlotte - Bayou Flood [The Shifters of Alligator Bend 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Charlotte Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Rose
“You need an aspirin or somethin’?
    “Yeah, I’m fine. This is just so much to take in. And, I mean, no offense, but I’m a little confused right now. How am I supposed to reconcile two versions of what happened with Georgina’s banishment? How am I supposed to choose between my best friend and my so-called mates?”
    “You don’t have to explain to us, baby.” Virgil pulled her into a tight hug. “This can’t be easy for you at all. We know we have to earn your trust. We ain’t gonna judge you if you need to take time to figure things out.”
    Gabriel gave a small smile. “Look, why don’t we change the subject for a while? We’ve given you our side of the story, and that’s all we can do. Why don’t we show you around the ship instead? Take your mind off of things.”
    Sophie seemed to perk up at the suggestion. “That sounds awesome.”
    “Let’s go, then,” Gabriel said, helping her out of her chair.
    Virgil beamed with pride as he and Gabriel showed Sophie around their home. As they approached Gabriel’s quarters, though, he held his breath. He didn’t just want her to be impressed by the living space—he wanted her to stay there for a while.

    * * * *

    “And this is where I live,” Gabriel said, swinging the door open and letting Sophie in.
    Sophie admired the oak furnishings and the muted earth tones of the bedcovers and curtains. “Wow. This is a really nice space.” She turned to Virgil. “Do you live on this boat, too?”
    “Naw. There ain’t enough room for the entire congregation for one boat. I’m a couple of boats over. But once you agree to mate with us, we’ll all live in this space.”
    To Gabriel’s surprise, Sophie walked to the bed and sat down on the edge. She stretched her arms over her head, and he had trouble averting his eyes as her breasts rose along with the rest of her body. He felt faint stirrings in his cock and knew he was going to have to struggle to maintain control while she was in his room.
    Gabriel’s hands began to reach out to touch her, almost as though they were acting independently of his body. It took sheer force of will to pull them back. He didn’t want to push her into anything that made her uncomfortable, but the vision of her body perched on the edge of his mattress made Gabriel’s mind run wide with other possibilities. Running his hands up and down her smooth curves would be a very good start.
    Yet Sophie seemed to know exactly what she wanted and didn’t look like she wanted to wait around. Kicking off her shoes, she sprawled out on the covers. Gabriel felt his hands start to tremble as he worked to keep his lust at bay.
    Sophie smiled with a mischievous grin. “My trip over here was kind of exhausting, and I didn’t get much sleep last night. I think I’d like to rest awhile, if that’s okay with the two of you.”
    “Sure it is,” Gabriel said. He stopped pretending not to stare at her body. There was no way he could possibly have drawn his eyes away from such an incredibly display.
    She lifted her head from the mattress with a twinkle in her eye. “Would the two of you like to join me?”
    Gabriel smiled at Virgil, who had a grin of his own. They both kicked off their boots and settled down on either side of the bed.
    Gabriel felt his cock harden even more as he felt the heat of her body, as she pressed her smooth skin against him. Sophie, it seemed, had been paying attention, because she immediately began to stroke the rigid length pressing against the fabric of his pants.
    “Thought you wanted a nap,” Gabriel said, closing his eyes as the first rush of pleasure shot through him.
    “I do. But I can nap in a little bit. There are other things I’ve been wanting, too.”
    “Such as?” Virgil asked, rolling over to stroke her arm.
    Sophie rolled away from Gabriel’s body to stroke the erection that was forming in Virgil’s pants.
    “Well, it’s been a confusing week, but I can’t deny that I’ve had more than a few

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