The Schliemann Legacy
the world and rarely gave back anything. He quickly equated them with those who had stolen his father's fortune - insipid takers who lived off the work and emotions of others. While attending Oxford University, he refined his ideas about the struggle of the people.
    Through his interest in Marxism, Hasad's feelings about the ruling class became well known. His keen intelligence and ability in languages attracted the attention of KGB recruiters. Hasad was receptive but was afraid his mother would marry one of the upper class snobs if he left. The Russians accepted his decision, leaving the offer open.
    The following month, Elizabeth died in a fire at the estate. The last tears he would ever shed during his life spilled over at her graveside. Three days later, he sought out the recruiters and transferred to the Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow. Supposedly a place of higher learning, the stately buildings actually housed the training center for non Russian KGB agents. Here, Hasad learned of Carlos.
    Though Carlos had already completed his training, Hasad sought to compete with the international terrorist. The Turk's instructors capitalized on this one sided rivalry and drove Hasad to exceed all expectations. While the newcomer studied, Carlos forged a reputation for himself. This notoriety only spurred Hasad to work harder. Upon graduation, he sought to fulfill his dream for the people. He took "Duman", Turkish for mist or smoke, as his professional name. As he appeared, struck, and disappeared, the name became more and more apt.
    Duman became a freelance killer and worked for the KGB as required to repay the debt of his schooling. When his KGB masters called, Duman was forced to respond. However, he was determined to see the end of that servitude. The day would soon be at hand when he would no longer work for the Russians. An expert with guns, knives, and poisons, his specialty was unusual and inventive bombings. Interpol attributed many key assassinations and devastating bombings to the young terrorist. His services were in high demand and he inflated his reputation by carefully picking his operations. Rather than attempt the more numerous but less significant kills as Carlos had, Duman chose a more selective route. Each execution was high risk and high profile with the added advantage of large financial returns. Also unlike Carlos in the early years, Duman never worked without a client.
    His reliability became well known and that reputation brought abundant job opportunities. Rumors credited the terrorist with a chilling one hundred percent kill rate. And as his reputation grew, his need for more spectacular assassinations increased. As time passed, the collateral damage from the assassinations ballooned. Dozens of people often died along with the intended victim. With this notoriety, he became a target himself, sought by every major anti-terrorist force in the world.
    Then Duman disappeared. For nearly four months, talk spread of his capture and death. Many suspected Carlos of having killed his young rival.
    When speculation reached a peak, Duman struck. With the speed and precision of a surgeon, he eliminated eight men in less than twenty four hours. Duman served notice to the intelligence organizations of the world. He intended to lead the people in an international revolution to insure their inherent right to self rule. Anyone who stood in his way would meet with the same fate as the eight men - the Turkish officials who had orchestrated the theft of his father's fortune.
    Duman claimed justice for the world.

    * * * * *

    Watchful of all activity on the street, Duman left the Jardin des Plantes and walked along the Seine. As night approached, this quarter of Paris came alive with the people he loved. The people of the night. Everywhere, they moved with the rhythm of the shadows. He could see prostitutes in scant clothing trying to make enough to pacify their pimps. The pickpockets, con men, and shills trying for the

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