You'll Always Be Mine

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Book: You'll Always Be Mine by Lara Verne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lara Verne
loved her.
                  I could feel the tears forming in my tear ducts at the recall of the event. I forced myself to stay strong. She was gone. She was in a better place now, watching over me like the angel she was.
                  I smiled as I brought my attention to Liza’s house. She came back a few minutes ago, storming out of her car. I assumed that she got into a fight with her boyfriend. She had stormed into her house and slammed the door behind of her.
                  I never imagined that she could have been capable of so much hate. She seemed like a very nice person who could never get mad at anyone. And maybe she was. Maybe that son of a bitch boyfriend broke her heart.
                  Forming fists, I stared blankly at my steering wheel. If he was causing my Liza to be in such pain, he would definitely have to be punished.
                  I glanced over my shoulder to the back seat of my Sedan to see the bouquet of gardenias I had bought for her. Just knowing how happy she’d be when she saw them brought a smile to my face.
                  I grabbed the bouquet and stepped out of my car, closing the door carefully behind me. A smile formed on my face as I walked up to her front door, tempted to open the door and claim her as mine. I knew that the time wasn’t right so I just laid the bouquet on her welcome mat. Surely, she’ll come out sooner or later and see them. Her mood will instantly be lifted and I was sure of that.
                  I walked back to my car and started up the engine. As much as I wanted to stick around to see what her reaction would be, I didn’t know how long she would take before she stepped outside. Besides, this day will be pretty much useless if I just stared at her house all day. I would need to find more information about her. I needed to show her how much I cared.
                  I needed to show her how much I loved her.
                  “So you’re saying that you have a secret admirer?” Katie questioned, sitting perched on the edge of her seat, eyes wide.
                  It had been a week since I had received the gardenias. Since then, I have received three more bouquets; each had a personal note attached to it. They were all lengthy in content but my “secret admirer” made each note different from the next.
                  “That’s what I think,” I said, biting down on my bottom lip. I snatched the piece of paper from Katie’s hands and examined it once more. “Do you know anyone who would do this? I mean, it seems like it’s just a prank.”
                  “Or maybe someone has a crush on you,” she wiggled her light orange eyebrows playfully, “Have you told Sean yet?”
                  “It’s been days since we spoke and it would potentially be days before we speak again,” I said nonchalantly, “It’s not like I don’t want to talk to him, I just don’t know what to say. I think it’s best if we take some time away from each other,”
                  She gaped. “Sean is head over heels in love with you and you’re saying that you want to take a break from him?” she questioned, “Sean? The running back? The hottest guy in our grade? The--”
                  “I get it, Katie.” I cut her off, “I’m aware of what he is but I just don’t know if I want to deal with all that right now.”
                  She heaved a sigh, “Liza, what’s going on? Why the sudden change of heart?”
                  I pulled my knees into my chest and rocked back and forth on the sofa.

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