Rocked by the Billionaire: A Billionaire's Club Story

Read Online Rocked by the Billionaire: A Billionaire's Club Story by Mandy Baxter - Free Book Online

Book: Rocked by the Billionaire: A Billionaire's Club Story by Mandy Baxter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandy Baxter
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
take her. He shoved his jeans and underwear off, kicking them somewhere behind him. Kayleigh’s gaze warmed and his cocked throbbed from the attention she bestowed on him. Hard to the point of pain, if he didn’t find release soon, he’d go out of his fucking mind. He took his erection in his fist, just a stroke or two to ease his discomfort …
    “Let me.”
    Kayleigh’s voice was a low seductive purr that vibrated down his spine. A shudder passed over him as she replaced his hand with her own, stroking from the thick base to the top of his swollen head. She came up on her knees and they faced each other, naked under the shade and mottled light of the oak. Luke couldn’t remember another moment in his entire life that was more perfect than this one. God, the way she stroked him … Her closed fist glided over him, squeezing just tight enough to cause him to swell in her palm. The pad of her thumb caressed up and over the head of his cock and Luke sucked in a breath. She repeated the motion, the sensitive skin there prickling with thousands of nerve endings that sparked to life all at once. So damned good. Her small, pale hand wrapped around his shaft and pumping with slow precision was a sight he could watch all day.
    They’d both been a couple of kids the last time he saw her. Nervous, unsure, and inexperienced. The woman whose palm slid up and down the length of his cock was confident, a force of sex and nature. Skilled. Her eyes locked with his as he thrust into her hand. The intimacy between them, the soul-deep connection, shook Luke to his foundation. He’d always felt too deeply, his emotions too close to the surface. But Kayleigh never shied from the intensity of his personality and she didn’t shy away from him now.
    He took her face between his hands and crushed his mouth to hers, lips slanting, tongue lapping at hers in a desperate frenzy. There wasn’t an inch of her that he didn’t want to taste, touch, explore. His mouth wandered from her lips to her throat and Kayleigh’s head lolled back, a cascade of auburn curls spilling over one shoulder. “I can breathe again,” he whispered against her fragrant skin. “Think again.” How could he possibly convey to her how being with her made him feel when there weren’t any words worthy of the explanation? “You make me whole.”
    He’d lied to plenty of women in his life, but he’d never once lied to Kayleigh. Lying to her would be like lying to himself. And just like that day in the wheat field, Luke knew without a doubt that his heart would sit still in his chest if she wasn’t there to make it beat.
    The wind picked up in earnest, whipping her hair around them in a wild tangle. Luke latched his mouth over her throat and sucked. Nipped at her tender flesh. Goose bumps rose on Kayleigh’s skin and he moved lower, tracing the swell of her breasts with the tip of his tongue.
    “I want to taste you, Luke.”
    The desperate plea in her ragged voice sent him over the edge of his control. Wanton and sweet all at once. “Oh, hell yes.” He rocked his hips against her, thrusting into her hand. “I want your mouth on my cock.”
    Luke leaned back on his heels, bracing his arms behind him on the ground. His erection stood out proud and thick from his thrust hips and Kayleigh continued to stroke him, the glide of her hands like silk as she lowered her mouth to the engorged crown. Her fingers wrapped tightly around the thick base as her tongue flicked out. “Fuck,” Luke ground out on a sharp exhale. The sensation rippled down his shaft and tightened his sac. “That’s so good, baby.”
    She took him deeper, enveloping his shaft in the wet heat of her mouth. Luke gave a shallow thrust of his hips and was answered with a low moan from Kayleigh that vibrated down the length of his cock. He continued to thrust, urging her to take him deeper, meeting every plunge of her mouth. She sucked hard, swirling her tongue over the sensitive head before gliding down

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