Rocked by the Billionaire: A Billionaire's Club Story

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Book: Rocked by the Billionaire: A Billionaire's Club Story by Mandy Baxter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandy Baxter
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
his shaft. Luke panted through the intense pleasure. “Mmm. Just like that, baby. Feels so fucking good.”
    She cupped his balls in her free hand, massaging the delicate flesh. A low, drawn-out moan escaped from between his teeth as she tugged gently, causing a surge of sensation to rocket through him. “You’re driving me crazy.” It wouldn’t take much to make him go off. Just a few deep pulls of her mouth. “Kayleigh.” Her name buzzed around in his head, rushed from his lips in a desperate moan. “Kayleigh.”
    His sac drew up tight as she continued to fondle him and he sunk back on his heels. She released him with a wet pop that damned near sent him over the edge but he was unwilling to finish before she had her pleasure as well. He snatched her up by the waist and repositioned her so she lay on her back. Her legs fell open, revealing the swollen pink lips of her sex, glistening with arousal that coated her thighs.
    “Jesus fucking Christ,” Luke said on a shuddering breath. He settled himself between her thighs and took his erection in his hand, guiding it to her opening.
    “Promise me, Luke.” She put a staying hand on his left pec where her name was inked permanently into his skin. “That you haven’t been with anyone else like this. Otherwise …”
    “I promise. I’ve never been like this with anyone but you.” Most of Luke’s many hookups had been one-nighters. Anonymous fucks that meant nothing to him. And he never mixed alcohol and sex because it opened the door for mistakes he couldn’t afford to make. Kayleigh was the only woman he’d ever made love to. And the only one he’d been irresponsible enough not to wear protection with.
    He hadn’t wanted anything to separate their bodies then, and he didn’t want anything to separate them now.
    Kayleigh reached for him, her eyes hooded. Luke slid the head of his cock through her wet folds and a shiver raced down his spine. She bucked from the contact and a quiet whimper escaped her. Her mouth parted and Luke dragged his shaft over her clit once again, his eyes glued to her face as he gauged her response.
    She was perfection.
    “Luke.” She kept her eyes on his as he continued to tease her. “Ooooh. God. That feels
    Yeah it did. But he wanted more than just a simple tease. He needed
of her. With gentle care he eased himself in, his jaw welded shut as he resisted the urge to pound into her. Impatience had nothing on Luke and he shook with restraint, sliding into her tight slick heat, a groan lodged in his throat. Arms braced on either side of her, he stared down at the woman he’d loved for most of his life.
    “I lo—”
    “Don’t say it, Luke.” Instead of letting him tell her how he felt, Kayleigh rose up and seized his mouth in a kiss. His arms bent at the elbows as he lowered his weight on her, wrapping her tight in his embrace as he thrust home.
    “Fuck.” The word grated in his throat as he pulled out to the tip before driving back in. “Baby, you’re so tight. So fucking wet.” She didn’t want to hear his tender words, and so he held them back until his chest burned from the backup.
    He fucked her slowly, enjoying the slide of his flesh on hers, the way her pussy held him tight. Kayleigh’s nails bit into his back and she locked her legs around his waist, her heels digging into his ass. “Harder, Luke. Faster.”
    Lust battled with anger as she took one more step at erecting an emotional wall between them. Did she want an emotionless fuck from him? Hard and fast. No loving words spoken softly between them, no chance of being hurt.
    Fine. If that’s what she wanted, that’s what he’d give her. “You want to be fucked hard? Tell me, Kayleigh.”
    “Yes.” She dug her nails in deeper, the exquisite bite of pain causing his sac to tighten. “Do it.”
    He hitched her hips up higher, taking her ass in his palms. His first forceful thrust coaxed a low moan of pleasure from Kayleigh’s throat. On the

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