Revisited (Redemption Series)

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Book: Revisited (Redemption Series) by Lindsey Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsey Gray
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but let me get this straight. You are a half angel. Lily’s husband is an angel of death. Liam is nowhere to be found, but you’re all working on finding him.”
    “Yes and . . .” She swallowed hard which made him even more nervous. “Gideon is in on it somehow. I don’t know where he is, and we think he’s in a new body, but—”
    “A new body?” Gideon tensed, wondering how they could possibly know. 
    “My . . . well, I guess brother, not by blood, mind you. Anyway, Nathaniel has visions, and he’s had one of Gideon transferring into a new body.”
    “Nathaniel.” Gideon uttered the name with a little more venom than he intended.
    “Nathaniel Archer. We grew up together and have always been like brother and sister. He flew here as soon as he had the vision.”
    Gideon detested that man. Nathaniel had caused him to lose so many chances to be with his Rebecca. Maybe this would be his chance to rid himself of the nuisance once and for all. “What can I do? I want to help find these bastards.” He practically growled.
    “You need to get better. We’re going to a lab in Italy.”
    “Not without me you’re not.”
     Becca began to protest. 
    “I just got you back, I can’t let you go. Not ever again.”
    “Ian . . . I . . .”
    Gideon cupped her check. “I can help.”
    She giggled as she looked over his battered and bruised body.
    “Well . . . I can try.” He gave her a small smile and saw her eyes light up. “You help me get up and out of here, and I will do whatever I can.”
    “We’ll see. I’ll go talk to Sam. Until then, you rest.”
    “No buts.” Becca kissed him before she got out of the bed. “I’ll do what I can and be back later.”
    Gideon gave his best sad puppy face before she retreated from the room.

    Sam stood from his chair and waited for Becca to come to him as she left Ian’s room. He didn’t have to wait long. She was in his arms within two strides.
    “He’s being so strong. I’m so horrible.”
    “Hush, baby girl. He cares for you and he’s just been through a terrible ordeal. You both need time to get through this.” His hold tightened as he comforted her.
    “He wants to come with us. He thinks he can help.”
    Sam pulled back and looked into her eyes. “Maybe he can. Liam left quite an impression on him. Plus, he’s a very smart man. I have no doubt Bradford will give us hell, but I’ll see what I can do.”
    “Thanks, Dad.”
    “You have no idea how wonderful it is to hear you say that. But speaking of me being your father, there are some things for you to decide with Peter.”
    Becca knew it was coming and she thought she was prepared, but the way her gut twisted at that moment made her think otherwise. “Are you sure I can do this?”
    Sam smiled and cupped both of her cheeks in his hands. “From the first moment I held you, I knew you were destined for things greater than what this world had to offer. Now that I know I’m your father, I am more assured than ever. You can do this.”
    With his faith in her, and what determination she was able to muster, she nodded. “I’m ready.”
    “Then come with me.”
    Becca turned and saw Peter standing a few feet behind them. She gathered her courage and with a tight hug from her father, she was off to begin the next chapter of her life.

How do we do this?” Becca asked Peter as she threaded her arm through his.
        He led her to a conference room down the hall and ushered her in.
    Becca had visions of signing a stack of paperwork before someone strapped a pair of wings to her back. She gave a soft laugh only to receive the stink eye from the Archangel.
    “Becca, I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to respond with the first thing that comes to mind. I find that is usually the most honest answer.”
    “All right.” 
    “What is your favorite place in the entire world?”
    “That’s easy. Lily owns this little vineyard. I haven’t been there in years, but

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