Revisited (Redemption Series)

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Book: Revisited (Redemption Series) by Lindsey Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsey Gray
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it’s just breathtaking. During the harvest, you can smell the grapes on every inch of the property. Then in the evenings, sitting on the porch of the main house with a glass of wine is just about as close to heaven on earth as I’ll ever get.”
    “You paint quite a beautiful picture. I think I can work with that.” Peter winked at her before pulling her into a tight embrace.
    “What? We’re going to France? Now?”
    “But it isn’t harvest time.”
    “Don’t worry.” With his words floating in the air, they whisked through time and space to the nearby country.
    When Becca was able to regain her bearings, she opened her eyes. “Peter,” she uttered in wonder as the warm breeze swept across her cheek.
    He helped her remove her jacket and lay it on the nearby porch swing.
    “It’s just as I remembered it.” Becca took a deep breath and let the sweet fragrance of the mouthwatering grapes growing on the vines fill her lungs. “But it’s January. How?”
    Peter smiled and wiggled his fingers a bit. “I have my ways.” He took her hand in his. “Come. Walk with me.”
    She smiled as they made their way across the yard and into the field. She enjoyed the feel of ripe fruit on her fingertips as she let them dance across the grapes. So many memories; one that struck the hardest chord was of her mother. Lily had brought them both there for the first time the year before her mother died. Becca realized why the place always held so much beauty. Those memories brought forth many conflicting feelings and began to sour her mood.
    Peter left Becca to her own thoughts and walked to a small chapel, which sat on the hill just beyond the field. Conjuring two bottles of wine and carrying them in his free arm, he pushed her gently toward the door of the chapel before holding up the bottles for her inspection.
    “I didn’t know being drunk was a prerequisite for this.”
    Peter laughed. “It’s not. Just relax and enjoy.” He ushered her into the chapel and sat them both down in the first pew before the small altar. He opened one of the bottles and handed it to her, then opened the other for himself. 
    The glow of the candles illuminated the area and created the warm atmosphere Peter needed for the conversation they were about to have. 
    “You know He has had everything planned over a millennia in advance?”
    Becca swallowed the swig of wine she had just taken. “That would be my assumption with the whole being Him and all.”
    “What I’m saying is that you are a part of His design. The child of an angel and a human. But you are not just any Nephilim.”
    “How’s that? Because I’m not a giant freak like they describe in the Bible?” Becca asked, the upset evident in her voice.
    “No,” Peter replied. “The whole giant aspect is a myth. I honestly don’t know where they came up with that one.”
    “Oh, then maybe I’m so special He had to kill my mother, keep my real father from me, and have me tortured by a demon for the majority of my life?” 
    Peter took a swig of wine before continuing. “ He has his plans which always come to fruition, but the way the result is reached is not always how He had intended. Does that make sense?”
    “So, factors like Gideon screw up his plans?” She scoffed.
    “In a way, yes. He and the man downstairs don’t compare notes. With free will and all, things happen beyond even His control.”
    Becca rolled her eyes. She swallowed another mouthful of wine, and it began to warm her insides. “What does all this have to do with why we are here . . . now?”
    “His plan for you, Rebecca, was always for you to find happiness and strength.”
    She huffed. “Strength, yes. Happiness, glimpses.”
    “I know losing Anne was difficult, but Lily has done a wonderful job helping you become an amazing woman. And even though your relationship with Abe has been difficult, there is a deep and lasting love there. Am I right?”
    “Yes.” Becca sniffled and let

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